[cisco-voip] Odd hunting issue

Robert Singleton rsingleton at morsco.com
Tue Aug 9 12:56:29 EDT 2011

Here's an odd one...

First, a disclaimer. I am running CCM 4.1(3)sr8, which is well past EOL 
and may be past EOS. I have new CUCM 7.1.5 boxes and a new Unity box 
that will be installed in the next couple of weeks.

At many of my branch offices, I use a broadcast hunt group to ring 
inbound calls on all telephones.

The phones are configured as follows: On each telephone, there are two 
DNs, the first is the user's DN, the second is a dedicated DN for 
incoming calls. The incoming DNs are sequential numbers, 2083001 through 
2083007. These DNs are members of a line group. The line group is the 
only member of a hunt group with broadcast hunting. Hunt pilot 2083000 
is associated with the hunt group. Partition 83 is used wherever a 
partition is required.

Under normal circumstances, anyone with partition 83 in their 
CallingSearchSpace can dial 2083000 and all 7 of the telephones will 
ring on their Incoming line. Likewise, a translation pattern for their 
DID will ring the incoming line on all telephones.

This scenario is in place and working in many locations and worked fine 
at this location for several weeks until mid-morning today. At that 
time, incoming calls suddenly began failing with one short ring and 
disconnection. To the caller, it sounds like someone picked up and 
immediately hung up the phone.

I checked CDR and noted the device that always "answered" these calls. 
If I remove *that* DN (2083005) from the broadcast huntgroup, calls 
return to normal operation on all phones.

Now the weird part. If I put 2083005 back in the hunt group, everything 
is fine again.

We had this problem at the same location a few weeks ago and the same 
scenario played out except that time it was 2083003.

The only thing I have found that sets these two apart from the rest of 
the telephones is that their MAC addresses in Phone Configuration had 
lower case alpha characters. Surely, that can make no difference....

Any ideas?



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