[cisco-voip] Why is my CUBE sending my dial-peers instead of login information to Skype Connect?

Nick Matthews matthnick at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 23:08:33 EST 2011

I would put a no sip-register on your pots dial peers to make it clean.  All
those guys are going to try and register by default.

If you have ephone-dn's you can put no-reg on the number as well, same deal.

You may want to create a dummy pots line or ephone-dn with the correct From:
DID to get it to send the register message.  Then you do some
translation/forwarding to get it where you want it.


On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Robert Kulagowski <rkulagow at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Stephen Welsh
> <stephen.welsh at unifiedfx.com> wrote:
> > I've configured Skype Connect using a CUBE config (SIP2SIP) directly on
> the internet, I did it for the same reasons are yourself, however I was
> disappointed at the cost (to actually place calls) and the fact you cannot
> call to a Skype User ID from the IP-PBX (you can do the reverse by calling
> your Skype Connect ID number from any Skype Client). I was hoping to do some
> Single Number Reach with my Skype ID :(
> >
> > Below are the relevant parts from my working config, however you need to
> add your own security statements (I'm not responsible for your phone bill
> :), you will most likely be exposing port 5060/61 to the Wide Wicked Web,
> and I've seen a LOT of registration attempts hit my router....
> >
> So, after a "wr erase" and a reboot, then starting from scratch, I've
> at least got the REGISTER part sending my Skype Connect username
> rather than my dial peers.
> The next part to figure out is if they're rejecting my "from"; it
> looks like when I send an INVITE to them I send my internal 6-digit
> extension and I end up getting a reject.  Is there something else that
> I'm missing from my config?   Are they expecting the FROM to be my
> Skype ID, with the TO being the e.164destination at sip.skype.com?
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