[cisco-voip] sending 999 calls via the FXO in both CUCM and SRST mode

abbas Wali abbaseo at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 15:47:15 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I have to configure an FXO line for 999 calls.

okay this works fine when i am in SRST mode and I have application global
alternate default ON with

dial-peer voice 999 pots

description EMERGENCY

destination-pattern 999

port 0/1/0

forward-digits all

and for incoming calls

voice-port 0/1/0

echo-cancel coverage 64

cptone GB

timing hookflash-out 50

connection plar opx 61234

impedance complex2

where 61234 is an extension.

the only issue is when the CUCM comes back in that FXO re-registeres with

dial-peer voice 999010 pots

preference 1

service MGCPAPP

port 0/1/0

again incoming calls wil work fine as I have an Attendent DN configured.
but for the outgoing calls I only want it to use the local FXO

(for the emergency services to trunup at the right location)

I wonder if that can only be done in the CUCM as configuring local 999
route pattern and limiting the phones to use them in any case!!

we have alot of site and that will be alot of work on the CUCM.

isnt there a better way!!!!

thanks for the help


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