[cisco-voip] wierd dialing issue 7 digit dialing

Michael Muscat michaelm at umcu.org
Thu Jan 12 20:04:23 EST 2012

CM 7.1.5

I recently converted from H323 to MGCP for my outbound call gateway.  I know have an issue where 7 digit dialing is no longer working.  I'm not using any route filters and my route pattern is setup as 9.@

The called party number type and plan is setup to Cisco CallManager and I'm using the NANP numbering plan. I tried changing the called party number type and plan to "Unknown".  My Telco does allow 7 digit dialing and it worked right before switching to MGCP so I know that isn't the problem. My route patter is discarding PreDot digits.  Any help would be appreciated.

I can dial these formats:


But not:

9-555-5555 (it waits for the digits to expire then gives a fast busy)

Here is what I get when I debug the call:

Jan  9 14:07:58.301: ISDN Se0/0/1:23 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x123D
        Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
                Standard = CCITT
                Transfer Capability = Speech
                Transfer Mode = Circuit
                Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
        Channel ID i = 0xA98396
                Exclusive, Channel 22
        Display i = 'Michael Muscat'
        Calling Party Number i = 0x0081, '7346628200'
                Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
        Called Party Number i = 0xA1, '6606987'
                Plan:ISDN, Type:National
Jan  9 14:07:58.325: ISDN Se0/0/1:23 Q931: RX <- STATUS pd = 8  callref = 0x923D

        Cause i = 0x82E328 - Information element not implemented
        Call State i = 0x01
Jan  9 14:07:58.349: ISDN Se0/0/1:23 Q931: RX <- CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref = 0x9
        Channel ID i = 0xA98396
                Exclusive, Channel 22
Jan  9 14:07:58.361: ISDN Se0/0/1:23 Q931: RX <- PROGRESS pd = 8  callref = 0x92
        Cause i = 0x829C - Invalid number format (incomplete number)
        Progress Ind i = 0x8288 - In-band info or appropriate now available
Jan  9 14:07:58.713: ISDN Se0/0/1:23 Q931: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref = 0x
        Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing
        Cause i = 0x8490 - Normal call clearing
Jan  9 14:07:58.733: ISDN Se0/0/1:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8  callref = 0x123


Michael Muscat

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