[cisco-voip] IM&P external database front-end

Charles Goldsmith wokka at justfamily.org
Wed Nov 26 11:58:30 EST 2014

yes, anything to get me started


On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Ryan Huff <ryanhuff at outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi Charles,
> I got a super simple front end written in PHP running on the same LAMP
> stack the the PostGreSQL database is running on (benefit of being a former
> programmer). It isn't 100% complete but will give you a real-time flow of
> persistent chat messages and p 2 p messages. The code is logical that
> someone with basic programming skill could follow along and finish out the
> programming.
> Interested?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> ------------------------------
> From: wokka at justfamily.org
> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:06:53 -0700
> To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
> Subject: [cisco-voip] IM&P external database front-end
> Before I go down the road of re-creating the wheel, has anyone written a
> nice front end to the postgresql database for simple reports for a customer?
> While pgadmin will do the trick, a non-technical person will struggle with
> getting reports out as needed.
> I'm thinking about a simple search for person(s), date/time range,
> probably PHP would be easiest since if you installed the phppgadmin on a
> linux install, you have php and apache already there, or maybe on a 2nd box
> for management purposes if it's a big install.
> I'm not a coder, but I can probably hack something together, would be a
> lot easier if someone else has something to share :)
> Thanks!
> Happy and safe Holidays to everyone
> Charles
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