[cisco-voip] Agents Selectively Answer Queues

Matthew Loraditch MLoraditch at heliontechnologies.com
Thu Sep 3 13:05:55 EDT 2015

We have tier 2 agents. Generally we want them to only answer their calls, but if Tier 1 becomes overwhelmed we need them to answer tier 1 calls. I've never had this scenario before, but my only thought so far was secondary logins that will have both Tier 1 and Tier 2 skills. We do not want to queue the calls to another queue when thresholds are met nor do we want managers hot-adding skills.

Am I missing any options here?

Matthew G. Loraditch - CCNP-Voice, CCNA-R&S, CCDA
Network Engineer
Direct Voice: 443.541.1518

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