[cisco-voip] 8800 Series firmware upgrade 12.0(1) text color

Bill Talley btalley at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 23:50:04 EST 2017

Nothing aside from the changes in color to the text and to the toast pop up.  Toast was orange, now it’s white.  Opinions vary on that one though.

Sent from a mobile device with very tiny touchscreen input keys. Please excude my typtos.

> On Dec 13, 2017, at 9:23 PM, Haas, Neal <nhaas at co.fresno.ca.us> wrote:
> I want to do that but we are hitting the answer/hold bug.
> I think my solution is to create a background image that doesn't look as bad as the default cisco one.
> any other issues that you have seen with 12.0(1)?
> Neal Haas
> ITSD Analyst - Communications
> 559-600-5890
> ________________________________
> From: Bill Talley <btalley at gmail.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 7:12:32 PM
> To: Haas, Neal
> Cc: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
> Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] 8800 Series firmware upgrade 12.0(1) text color
> We have the same issue and have been unable to find a fix short of reverting to 11.7 firmware.
> Sent from a mobile device with very tiny touchscreen input keys. Please excude my typtos.
>> On Dec 13, 2017, at 8:50 PM, Haas, Neal <nhaas at co.fresno.ca.us> wrote:
>> I wanted to push the new 12.0(1) firmware to our 8851/8861 phones. I did a test and you cannot even see the line text on dark backgrounds, which is 90% of the images . Anyone know how to fix line text color? The only image that really works is the one that looks like someone socked the phone.
>> Neal
>> <winmail.dat>
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