[cisco-voip] Import a group of users AD

Gary Parker G.J.Parker at lboro.ac.uk
Thu May 18 08:01:08 EDT 2017

> On 18 May 2017, at 12:54, Samadi boukil <boukilsamadi at gmail.com> wrote:
> I want ask a question if someone can help me.
> I have an Active Directory with 2000 users but i want to import just a group of these users.

Hi Samadi, this is easy to do with LDAP Custom Filters and/or LDAP User Search Base. You just need to be able to select all your users based on one or more criteria and write a regex pattern that covers them all.


Then specify the custom filter is in use on the LDAP Directory entry.


/-Gary Parker----------------------------------f--\
|     Unified Communications Service Manager      |
n      Loughborough University, IT Services       |
|     tel:+441509635635 sip:gary at lboro.ac.uk      o
|     http://delphium.lboro.ac.uk/pubkey.txt      |

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