[cisco-voip] Cisco Jabber, UDS, High CPU

Ryan Ratliff (rratliff) rratliff at cisco.com
Mon Apr 16 12:25:50 EDT 2018

What version of UCM are you on? If it’s 11.5 SU3 check informix ccm.log for something like this:
23:13:59 SCHAPI: last statement aus_refresh_stats(integer,integer)
23:13:59 SCHAPI: [Auto Update Statistics Refresh 43-2] Error -217 Column (aus_cmd_dbs_priority) not found in any table in the query (or SLV is undefined).

This is CSCva78144.

I ask because I’m pretty sure one of those last two numbers is the time taken to process the request, and neither of those are a good number.


On Apr 13, 2018, at 2:22 PM, ROZA, Ariel <Ariel.ROZA at la.logicalis.com<mailto:Ariel.ROZA at la.logicalis.com>> wrote:

Hi, guys and gals.

I am trying to troubleshoot a High CPU Alarm on a CUCM Subscriber:

I ran the “utils diagnose test” command and got warnings on the tomcat_sessions module. gathered all the  tomcats logs around the time of the event and found lots of  GET /cucm-uds/users HTTP/1.1 200 1383 1611 queries.

In the Bug Search tool I found several bugs for old jabber versions regarding this, one enhancement request but no fixes.

I was wondering if it is possible to load balance the UDS queries around the cluster using several DNS SRV records for _cisco-uds._tcp<domain> with the same priority /weight to load balance the queries, or if this breaks functionality, somehow. The only examples I found are ones with different weight/priority.


Ariel Roza
Collaboration Support Engineer
t: +54 11 5282-0458
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