[cisco-voip] 7832 vs 8832 vs 8831

Lelio Fulgenzi lelio at uoguelph.ca
Fri Jul 27 16:40:20 EDT 2018

We're looking at ordering a new conference phone... people have complained about the two pieces the 8831 has for simple operations so I'm looking at the 7832 or 8832.

Looking through the 8832 datasheet, I am a bit confused about the power injector options. According to the CCW estimator tool, I can only select either Power over Ethernet option (CP-8832-POE) power injector or non-PoE (CP-8832-ETH) power injector. I do like the fact that it supports MRA. The data sheet also states that CUCM v12 is required and v11.5 requires a devpak, but I see from our v11.5(1)su4 system that the 8832 is a valid option for a new phone.

The 7832 looks "good enough" - monochrome screen and no expandability like the 8832.

Anyone have any comments/suggestions about using these two phones?

Lelio Fulgenzi, B.A. | Senior Analyst
Computing and Communications Services | University of Guelph
Room 037 Animal Science & Nutrition Bldg | 50 Stone Rd E | Guelph, ON | N1G 2W1
519-824-4120 Ext. 56354 | lelio at uoguelph.ca<mailto:lelio at uoguelph.ca>

www.uoguelph.ca/ccs<http://www.uoguelph.ca/ccs> | @UofGCCS on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

[University of Guelph Cornerstone with Improve Life tagline]

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