[cisco-voip] PowerShell Provider for CUCM

Anthony Holloway avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 20:15:38 EDT 2018

That is a benefit for sure.  What do you schedule and automate today in

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 5:59 PM Lelio Fulgenzi <lelio at uoguelph.ca> wrote:

> I’d appreciate CLI over GUI for one big reason… cronjobs.
> I know this is windows, but at least I could schedule them.
> ---
> *Lelio Fulgenzi, B.A.* | Senior Analyst
> Computing and Communications Services | University of Guelph
> Room 037 Animal Science & Nutrition Bldg | 50 Stone Rd E | Guelph, ON |
> N1G 2W1
> 519-824-4120 Ext. 56354 | lelio at uoguelph.ca
> www.uoguelph.ca/ccs | @UofGCCS on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
> [image: University of Guelph Cornerstone with Improve Life tagline]
> *From:* cisco-voip <cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net> *On Behalf Of *Anthony
> Holloway
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 25, 2018 5:53 PM
> *To:* Pete Brown <jpb at chykn.com>
> *Cc:* Cisco VoIP Group <cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
> *Subject:* Re: [cisco-voip] PowerShell Provider for CUCM
> So why not a custom web front end then?  I mean, if you already have green
> techs as your target audience, surely a GUI would be better than a CLI,
> right?  And if you do plan to release this out to a larger audience, I
> think you'd have better adoption of a web front in than a CLI client.  Just
> my opinion.
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 4:10 PM Pete Brown <jpb at chykn.com> wrote:
> Anthony,
> The end goal would be to give admins with little to no scripting
> experience a CLI based method of browsing, querying and possibly managing
> objects.  As far as I know, there's no way to do this unless you meet the
> following requirements:
>    - Decent scripting/development background
>    - Experience consuming REST & SOAP services
>    - Familiar with the CUCM Data Dictionary
> That rules out the majority of the UC folks I've worked with.  Sure,
> there's the stock web UI.  Or solutions from Variphy & UnifiedFX if you can
> convince the business to get the budget.  But sometimes it's nice to have
> an easy to use CLI option that doesn't involve the complexities of learning
> the APIs.
> Not sure if they have a provider or not.  Would be a little presumptuous
> to think I was the first guy that had this idea.
> -Pete
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Anthony Holloway <avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 25, 2018 3:30 PM
> *To:* Pete Brown
> *Cc:* edgar at variphy.com; Cisco VoIP Group
> *Subject:* Re: [cisco-voip] PowerShell Provider for CUCM
> Pete,
> Why do I get the feeling like you already know it doesn't?
> Anyway, what's your use case for a utility like this?  What's the end goal?
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 2:10 PM Pete Brown <jpb at chykn.com> wrote:
> Edgar,
> Does Variphy offer a PowerShell provider for browsing CUCM objects?
> -Pete
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Edgar Salazar <edgar at variphy.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 25, 2018 1:55 PM
> *To:* jpb at chykn.com
> *Cc:* cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
> *Subject:* Re: [cisco-voip] PowerShell Provider for CUCM
> Pete are you looking to specifically query for these details using
> PowerShell?  You can look at Variphy's As-Built reporting, it can possibly
> save you hours of work.  You can get a 30 day evaluation license to see if
> this fits your need:
> https://www.variphy.com/products/cisco-as-built-configuration-reporting/
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.variphy.com%2Fproducts%2Fcisco-as-built-configuration-reporting%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C79010b42726345a1b92808d63ab8b31a%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636760962278096439&sdata=yiLXUrhKwZTJ65o5jNT%2BtWTusbdMtCPqtfDKg5jaqe4%3D&reserved=0>
> Cheers,
> Edgar
> [image: Variphy, Inc. Logo]
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2Fgmp1xY&data=02%7C01%7C%7C79010b42726345a1b92808d63ab8b31a%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636760962278096439&sdata=qv1aUKE2Z%2FlFDyaZWNYbPMHM%2FBHrdApZ7cG25ovIX4o%3D&reserved=0>
> *Edgar Salazar* *·* *Consulting Systems Engineer*
> Variphy, Inc.
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2Fgmp1xY&data=02%7C01%7C%7C79010b42726345a1b92808d63ab8b31a%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636760962278096439&sdata=qv1aUKE2Z%2FlFDyaZWNYbPMHM%2FBHrdApZ7cG25ovIX4o%3D&reserved=0>
>  *·* *"Trust but Variphy"*
> *t.*(832)VARIPHY (832-827-4749) <+1-832-827-4749>
> *e.*edgar at variphy.com
> [image: LinkedIn]
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2Fp1VeF6&data=02%7C01%7C%7C79010b42726345a1b92808d63ab8b31a%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636760962278096439&sdata=XKYVYEXZP5qZHOdTuaneWrNpBtIZa0LuOUcUzia0KDs%3D&reserved=0>[image:
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> Google+]
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FDkuXKD&data=02%7C01%7C%7C79010b42726345a1b92808d63ab8b31a%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636760962278096439&sdata=vyX2LW0Cw4CvsJ22QfYL4hDt5yAOoheGer43qUFyRFM%3D&reserved=0>[image:
> Variphy Support]
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> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 1:40 PM Pete Brown <jpb at chykn.com> wrote:
> TLDR - Can't seem to find any PS providers for CUCM so I'm writing one.
> There are a bunch of great PS scripts out there that provide cmdlets for
> AXL operations, but I'd like to be able to enumerate and reference CUCM
> objects via a PSDrive as you can with other providers.
>    - PS> dir c:
>    - PS> dir SQLSERVER:\{host}\{instance}\Databases\...
> For CUCM I was thinking of doing something like this.
>    - PS> Connect-CUCM -host {cucmhost} -user {axluser} -pass {axl-pass}
>    - PS> dir CUCM:\{cucmhost}\Devices
>    - PS> dir CUCM:\{cucmhost}\Devices\SEP0123456789AB
>    - PS> dir CUCM:\{cucmhost}\Devices -dn 123456
>    - PS> dir CUCM:\{cucmhost}\EndUsers
>    - PS> dir CUCM:\{cucmhost}\EndUsers\myusername
>    - PS> dir CUCM:\{cucmhost}\EndUsers -group Admins
> I recently had to write a provider for another project, so it won't be too
> hard to whip one up that runs AXL queries and presents PS objects.  Maybe
> add RisPort support so device config and state data can be presented as a
> single object.  Initially it would be read-only.
> Please chime in if you have ideas on how you'd like to see this
> implemented.  Directory structure, query options, etc.
> -Pete
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