[cisco-voip] ESXi 6.5U2 - Edit VM Settings - VM Shuts Down

Evgeny Izetov eizetov at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 12:30:35 EDT 2019

I had the same experience. It was ESXi 6.5 SU2. It always happened when I
tried to disconnect an ISO from DVD and connect to local host (but didn't
happen when just switching ISOs in datastore). ESXi powers off the VM after
a few seconds and the VM won't boot until unregister/reregister. It seems
to be ok if you shut down the VM first before disconnecting DVD, at least
don't have to unregister/reregister.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 8:49 AM Anthony Holloway <
avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com> wrote:

> I should have mentioned that the unregistering/re-registering of the VM
> does allow me to power on the machine.  Prior to that, the VM will not
> power on.
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 7:42 AM Anthony Holloway <
> avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Twice now, on two separate systems, as I was doing my fresh installs of
>> CSR 11 apps, I disconnect the bootable ISOs from the VMs, and ESXi throws
>> the following Event Log error, followed by shutting down the VM.
>> *Issue detected for <myvmnamehere> on <myesxinamehere> in ha-datacenter:
>> Configuration file has unexpected changes. Virtual machine has been
>> terminated. Unregister and re-register virtual machine if the configuration
>> file is correct.*
>> Granted, both times it happened to me, was during the build out, so at
>> least it didn't happen to me during production.  So, beware, if you are
>> editing VM settings in the middle of the day, even just changing the DVD
>> setting, ESXi 6.5U2 will shutdown your VM.
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