[cisco-voip] Update to my log processor

Kent Roberts kent at fredf.org
Sat Sep 14 00:36:05 EDT 2019

Hi All,

I don’t know if anyone Is using the RTMT processor I wrote, but if you are, here is an update:

http://www.projecttesn.org/toys <http://www.projecttesn.org/toys>

A recap….

	Download RTMT (Callmanager, or Communications Manager) logs.
	Run this program.
	Select the logs folder.
	Then pick the phone number/sip address you are interested in and hit start.
	The program will look at all the RTMT logs,  find call id’s  (This takes a bit) and put only the files related to that call in the output folder.  

This is not a big deal if you have a few phones, but if you have 20-30k phones,  you like I know that the log files are huge and any help narrowing the files down to review is really nice.

Let me know if you find bugs.

I started this project in PHP, but wow was that slow, and I am trying to learn C#.  So I apologize if the interface isn’t the best, but some day I hope it will be!


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