[cisco-voip] [External] Jabber Users Prompted To Accept Webex Cert

Gary Parker G.J.Parker at lboro.ac.uk
Fri Nov 12 05:23:41 EST 2021

Yeah, I had a suspicion at one point that this might be to do with the telemetry (which we’re sending), but the only reference I can find to the servers used for this is in the "Feature Configuration for Cisco Jabber 12.8” doc where it states that clients connect to "metrics-a.wbx2.com” (also mentioning that you must install a GoDaddy root cert).

We’ve been sending telemetry for some time and have not had this problem before, and the cert the client is erroring on is idbroker.webex.com (with the IdenTrust root).

Fwiw, metrics-a.wbx2.com is a cname for ha-a-main.wbx2.com, which in turn is a cname for achm-main-ha-a-nlb-1d0e22049c746ef1.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

metrics-a.wbx2.com *does* have a GoDaddy root cert, and a wildcard server cert.

What a mess!

That bug also says:

"b) Disable the telemetry call to Webex in the jabber-config xml”

…but then goes on to say:

"This error/popup is not related to Telemetry. Even if you disable Telemetry on Jabber certificate pop up will continue to show.”



> On 11 Nov 2021, at 22:57, Brian V <bvanbens at gmail.com> wrote:
> Part of the workaround referenced in the Bug doesn't make sense.  They reference adding some GoDaddy certs,  but when you look at the URL they reference (*.wbx2.com) that is signed by Hydrant not Go Daddy.

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