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<TITLE>Your Contact Info</TITLE>
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>
<TD vAlign=top width="330">
         <P class=update_msg_body>cisco-voip@puck.nether.net,</P>
         <P class=update_msg_body>I'm updating my address book. Please take a moment to update your latest contact information. Your information is stored in my personal address book and will not be shared with anyone else. Plaxo is free, if you'd like to give it a try.<br></P>
<P class=update_msg_body>Thanks,<BR>Anthony Causse
         <P class=update_msg_body> </P>
<TD align=left vAlign=top style="padding-left: 5px;">
<!-- begin of card meta table -->
<TABLE align=left cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
<TD align="center" style="padding-bottom: 2px"><a class="update_link" href="https://www.plaxo.com/edit_contact_info?r=34359906880-1870768--1185278973&t=web">Click the buttons below to change or confirm your info</a></TD>
<TD valign=top>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center width=320><tr><td>
<table border=0 width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center">
<td valign=top>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="body_small" align="center" height=100 width="100%"
style="border-top: 1px solid #cccccc; border-left: 1px solid #cccccc;
border-right: 1px solid #888888; border-bottom: 1px solid #888888;">
<!-- padding for business card body -->
<td valign="top" style="padding: 10px 11px 10px 11px;">
                 <!-- start card contents -->
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 id="PlaxoCard.Biz" width="100%">
<td colspan=1 valign="top" nowrap >
        <span class="card_name">
        <span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.FullName"></span><span id="Card.0.0">cisco-voip@puck.nether.net</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.FullName"></span>
        <span class="table_small"><span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.Title"></span><span class="card_field_none">no title</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.Title"></span></span><br>
<td class="table_small" style="padding-left: 18px" height=8></td>
<td colspan=1 align="right" valign=top nowrap style="padding-bottom: 6px;" width="1%">
        <span class="card_name">
        <span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.Company"></span><span class="card_field_none">no company</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.Company"></span><br>
        <span class="table_small">
        <span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.Address"></span>
        <span class="card_field_none">
<span id="Card.0.0">no work address<br> </span>
        <span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.Address"></span>
<td colspan=3 class="table_small" width="100%" height=20></td>
<td class="table_small" width="100%" nowrap align=left valign="bottom">
         <a href="mailto:cisco-voip@puck.nether.net" title="Click to e-mail cisco-voip@puck.nether.net" class=cardlink><span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.Email1"></span><span id="Card.0.2">cisco-voip@puck.nether.net</span></a><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.Email1"></span><br>
         <span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.WebPage"></span><span class="card_field_none">no web page</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.WebPage"></span><br>
         <span class="table_small_label">IM: </span><span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.IM"></span><span class="card_field_none">none</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.IM"></span><br>
<td class="table_small" align="right" width="1%" height=8></td>
<td class="table_small" width="1%" valign="bottom" align="right">
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
         <tr><td class="table_small_label" align="right">work: </td><td class="table_small" nowrap align=right><span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.Phone1"></span><span class="card_field_none">none</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.Phone1"></span></td></tr>
         <tr><td class="table_small_label" align="right">fax: </td><td class="table_small" nowrap align=right><span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.Fax"></span><span class="card_field_none">none</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.Fax"></span></td></tr>
         <tr><td class="table_small_label" align="right">mobile: </td><td class="table_small" nowrap align=right><span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.Mobile"></span><span class="card_field_none">none</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.Mobile"></span></td></tr>
         <tr><td class="table_small_label" align="right">pager: </td><td class="table_small" nowrap align=right><span id="START.PlaxoField.Biz.Pager"></span><span class="card_field_none">none</span><span id="END.PlaxoField.Biz.Pager"></span></td></tr>
<!-- begin separator line between business and personal info -->
                 <td height="1" width="100%">
<table class="tiny" align="center" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="90%"><tr><td height="9" style="border-top: 1px solid #cccccc"> </td></tr></table>
<!-- end separator line between business and personal info -->
<!-- padding for personal card body -->
                 <td valign="top" style="padding: 0 11 10 11;">
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td class=body_small_black nowrap>Is this information correct? </td>
<form name="form2" method="get" action="https://www.plaxo.com/edit_contact_info" style="padding: 1px; margin: 0px;">
<input type="submit" style="background-color: #0099ff; border: 1px solid #888888; color: white; font-weight: bold" value="Change">
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="web">
<input type="hidden" name="r" value="34359906880-1870768--1185278973">
<td style="padding-left: 10px;">
<form name="form1" method="get" action="https://www.plaxo.com/edit_contact_info" style="padding: 1px; margin: 0px;">
<input type="submit" style="background-color: #33cccc; border: 1px solid #888888; color: white; font-weight: bold" value="Confirm">
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="web">
<input type="hidden" name="r" value="34359906880-1870768--1185278973">
<input type="hidden" name="update" value="0">
<!-- END BUTTON -->
                 <!-- end card contents -->
         <td colspan=2>
<!-- END OF CARD -->
<!-- end of card meta table -->
<TD colspan=2>
<P class="update_msg_body">P.S. I've attached my current information in a vcard. If you <a href="http://www.plaxo.com/downloads">get Plaxo</a> too, we'll stay in touch automatically.<BR></P>
<p style="font: 10px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">If you do not wish to receive update request emails from Anthony Causse, <a href="https://www.plaxo.com/opt_out?r=34359906880-1870768--1185278973">click here</a> to opt-out.</p>
<!-- end master table -->