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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>dear list,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Iam not sure if it is right to post here, but i
have not other</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>choice rather than getting help from voip experts
in this list.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>problem : i have weltech Ipphone registered with
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>registration OK and when i make call i get ARJ from
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>though Numbering plan and routing is
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>it is able to find the destination IP</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>But with no reason GK sends ARJ and call is not
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>captured from weltech ipphone:</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>
<DIV>usr/config$ support -print<BR>Special Voice function support
manipulation<BR> FastStart support
Enabled.<BR> Tunnelled H.245 support
Enabled.<BR> H.245 message after FastStart support
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>usr/config$ debug -h323 h323vp<BR>DEBUG: Bad command -h323</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>usr/config$ debug -add h323 h323vp</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>usr/config$ debug -open</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>usr/config$ call_back_from_VP 60 0<BR>call_back_from_VP 60
0<BR>call_back_from_VP 60 0<BR>call_back_from_VP 41 0<BR>Offhook or Handfree
on<BR>call_back_from_VP 60 0<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 0
>>><BR>DTMF collected: 0<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 0
>>><BR>DTMF collected: 00<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 9
>>><BR>DTMF collected: 009<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 7
>>><BR>DTMF collected: 0097<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 2
>>><BR>DTMF collected: 00972<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<<
3 >>><BR>DTMF collected: 009723<BR>call_back_from_VP 13
0<BR><<< 9 >>><BR>DTMF collected: 0097239<BR>call_back_from_VP
13 0<BR><<< 2 >>><BR>DTMF collected:
00972392<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 5 >>><BR>DTMF
collected: 009723925<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 5
>>><BR>DTMF collected: 0097239255<BR>call_back_from_VP 13
0<BR><<< 0 >>><BR>DTMF collected:
00972392550<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 5 >>><BR>DTMF
collected: 009723925505<BR>call_back_from_VP 13 0<BR><<< 0
>>><BR>DTMF collected: 0097239255050<BR>call_back_from_VP 62 0<BR>WD
callback to proceed_dial<BR>Enter Dialling(strDes=0097239255050,
strOri=1001)<BR>0-cmCallNew() success hsCall=6ee054<BR>*-*-*-*-*-* Enter SSE
section<BR>*-*-*-*-*-* SSE section completed!<BR>Set Tunnelling TRUE.<BR>PSTN
number 101 used<BR>cmEvCallStateChanged()-Get thiscall 0 from
FindIPCall()<BR>cmEvCallStateChanged()-Get vpChan 0 from
thiscall 0 from FindIPCall()<BR>cmEvCallStateChanged()-Get vpChan 0 from
43 0<BR>HandSet onhooked<BR>call_back_from_VP 60 0</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>GK log:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>2044 22/11/04 16:11:18
&CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 |
haCall = 122c4cc | state = Bandwidth Change | reason = BW in ARQ<BR>2045
22/11/04 16:11:18 ----> Reply :
NotRequired *******************<BR>2046 22/11/04
16:11:18 return from calleventahandler--> hCall
= 3d0000<BR>2047 22/11/04 16:11:18
>| Sending address resolution request to the application<BR>2048
22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18
>| changed from CAL_NO_CALL to CAL_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION(Address resolution
request was sent to application after ARQ)<BR>2049 22/11/04
&CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 |
haCall = 122c4cc | state = Address Resolution | reason = New Admission from
Origin<BR>2050 22/11/04 16:11:18
callPerformNumberingPlanCLI<BR>2051 22/11/04
16:11:18 callPerformNumberingPlan<BR>2052
22/11/04 16:11:18 callPerformNumberingPlan:
NP ok. Result <914181223001> Type=5<BR>2053 22/11/04
16:11:18 callPerformNumberingPlan: Reject! Failed
to Reset according to NumberingPlan (DNIS 914181223001) to
914181223001<BR>2054 22/11/04 16:11:18
Reply -> hCall 3d0000, reply Reject, reason Reply Reason
Undefined<BR>2055 22/11/04 16:11:18
16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE
d:91418122>| Disconnecting call or rejecting admission because of application
rejection<BR>2056 22/11/04 16:11:18
16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE
d:91418122>| Sending notification to the application before
disconnecting<BR>2057 22/11/04
&CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 |
haCall = 122c4cc | state = GK Disconnected Call | reason =
Undefined<BR>2058 22/11/04 16:11:18
Reply -> hCall 3d0000, reply Confirm Disconnect EP, reason Reply Reason
Undefined<BR>2059 22/11/04 16:11:18
16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE
d:91418122>| calAppReplyConfirm: Confirmation recieved for
continue call endpoint disconnect<BR>2060 22/11/04
16:11:18 return from calleventahandler--> hCall
= 3d0000<BR>2061 22/11/04 16:11:18
16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE
d:91418122>| Sending admission reject notification to the
application<BR>2062 22/11/04 16:11:18
&CALLmsg&&&& CallmsgEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 | haCall =
122c4cc | msg = gkcciMsgSendARJ | Side = Orig<BR>2063 22/11/04
16:11:18 SetArjAnswer<BR>2064 22/11/04
&CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 |
haCall = 122c4cc | state = Orig Admission Reject | reason =
Undefined<BR>2065 22/11/04 16:11:18
----> Reply : NotRequired *******************<BR>2066 22/11/04
16:11:18 return from calleventahandler--> hCall
= 3d0000<BR>2067 22/11/04 16:11:18
16:11:18 <r:4 terminal
ras: cs:
ph:1001 >| setting reply address to<BR>2068 22/11/04
16:11:18 16:11:18 <c:0
d:91418122>| ARJ (reason = Undefined)<BR>2069 22/11/04
&CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 |
haCall = 122c4cc | <STRONG>state = ARJ Sent | reason =
Undefined<BR></STRONG>2070 22/11/04
16:11:18 ----> Reply : NotRequired
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Pls list can u help me to identify the problem. Also what is the function
of can map Alias parameter?</DIV>