<BODY><P>Hi again.</P>
<P>I alredy resolve this problem, yesss.</P>
<P>But now I´ve another, when I call from de phone connecto to FXS (analog phone) to cisco IP phone (7960) it rings but when I answer, the analog phone continues with calling sigal for some time, and then turns busy!!!</P>
<P>dial peer configuration:</P>
<P><EM>dial-peer voice 200 voip<BR> destination-pattern 2...<BR> session target ipv4:</EM></P>
<P>I already test with <EM>codec g711ulaw</EM> and <EM>g711alaw</EM> and doesn't workt.</P>
<P>Any body noes why?!!!!</P>
<P>Thanks ppl</P>
<P>Paulo, Leiria-Portugal</P></BODY><font face="Arial" size="2"><br><br>______________________________________________________________________<br>O IOL aumentou a <b>caixa de correio para 100 MB!</b><br><a href="http://www.iol.pt/correio/rodape.php?dst=0501181">Saiba mais</a><br></font>