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<P>I running CallManager Release 3.3(4) and just installed PAB sync on a Win XP pc to sync my Outlook 2003 contacts with a 7960 ip phone. I am getting a TABsync error " unable to logon to "userid" using the configured password". </P>
<P>I am able to use the same logon credentials and ip address to logon to CCMUser and add the phone services for my account. I disabled the firewall on the pc. I reset the password from the DC Directory Administrator and CallManager Admin global directory. </P>
<P>Has anyone see this problem before? There is no PA system involved.<BR><BR></P></DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAENUS/2749??PS=47575" target="_top">Send email straight to your blog. Upload jokes, thoughts and even photos. Click here to find out how!</a> </html>