Hi All,<br>
I am currently
using CCM 4.0(2a)SR2a & Cisco VT Advantage 1.0.2 and I was
wondering if it was possible to "Clear" the Associated Phone "Entry"
held by Cisco VT Advantage application. My understanding is
that Cisco VT Advantage use the CDP Packet driver (CdpPacketWdmCvl.sys)
to find its "Associated Phone".<br>
I had a situation today where I connected a PC which already had Cisco
VT Advantage installed to a "new" IP Phone with "Video Capabilities"
but it did not find / associate itself to it. The Cisco VT
Advantage application persisted in associating itself with "Old" phone
was still in operation / connected to the network (stand-alone, no PC
connected to it).<br>
The only possible explanation that I have for this is that the Cisco VT
Advantage Application must somehow "cache" the IP Addess / MAC Address
of the first associated IP Phone and it always goes looking for this
device before it looks for a new one. In my case, since the "Old"
phone was still in operation, the Cisco VT Advantage Application
probably did not go looking for a new phone. However, as soon as
I unplugged the "Old" Phone from the network, it has no trouble
associating itself to the "new" phone.<br>
I guess that this is not a huge issue, but what happens if someone
moves their PC to a new desk with a new IP Phone, Will I always have to
take the old phoen off the air for the Cisco VT App to find the new
Phone? I Hope not !!<br>
Your help will be much appreciated.<br>