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<font size="2">Will that logic also works using Hunt-Groups on CCM 4.x? I would like to hidden DN on the hunt-group after hours.
<br />
<br />Thanks in advanced,
<br />-Jose
<br /><b>
<br />
<br />On Tue, 4 Oct 2005 09:20:25 -0400, Kevin Thorngren wrote</b>
<br />> Time of
Day routing simply filters the available partitions in a given CSS based on the
schedule configured for the partition(s). Here is an example of how to route
calls to an IP Phone during the day and to a cell or home phone at night.
<br />>
<br />>
Partition AllPhones TimeScheduleTS
<br />>
         UseThisTimeZone (EST)
<br />>
TimeScheduleTS TimePeriod TP1
<br />>
TP1 08:00 [WINDOWS-1252?]– 17:00 Mon To Fri
<br />>
Partition AfterHours TimeScheduleTS1
<br />>
         UseThisTimeZone (EST)
<br />>
TimeScheduleTS1 TimePeriodTP2, TP3
<br />>
TP2 17:00 [WINDOWS-1252?]– 24:00 Mon To Fri
<br />>
TP3 00:00 [WINDOWS-1252?]– 08:00 Tue To Sat
<br />>
<br />>
PhoneA has CSS of AllPhones:AfterHours
<br />>
PhoneB DN 2000 is in Partition AllPhones
<br />>
Dummy DN 2000 is in Partition AfterHours and has CFA to 2125551234 (the user's
cell phone)
<br />>
<br />>
PhoneA calls 2000 on Tuesday and 10AM. The call is extended to PhoneB DN 2000
as the partition AllPhones has not been filtered via ToD.
<br />>
<br />>
PhoneA calls 2000 on Tuesday at 8PM. The call is extended to Dummy DN 2000 and
forwarded to 2125551234 as partition AllPhones has been filtered out and
AfterHours is available.
<br />>
<br />>
Let me know if you have further questions.
<br />>
<br />>
<br />>
On Oct 4, 2005, at 8:03 AM, Nick Kassel wrote:
<br />>
<br />>
<blockquote><font face="Arial"><x-tad-bigger>I want to configure Time of Day
Routing to forward one DN to two different numbers one for during the day and
one for evening, I have set up the time period and time schedule, but do I need
to create a new partition and CSS for this particular phone also where exactly
do I set the numbers for the DN to forward on to. The documentation I have found
does not make it clear at all what to do.</x-tad-bigger></font>
<br />>
<font face="Arial"><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger></font>
<br />>
<font face="Arial"><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger></font>
<br />>
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