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If the SJ client has an h323 stack that is really all that is needed to
extend a call directly to the gateway. With proper config the gateway
will perform the internetworking between h323 and PRI the same as it
does when interoperating with a callmanager as an h323 gateway.<br>
If you're only pointing the SJ client to the CM's ip address then CM
should handle the call routing. shoot me a sniffer trace and/or
detailed CCM traces and let's see why it's failing.<br>
Tim Reimers wrote:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; ">
<div id="idOWAReplyText68763" dir="ltr">
<div dir="ltr"><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2">I think
the outgoing call is being routed via the CCM-- the SJ client doesn't
appear to have any abilities to work directly with the H.323 gateway
router handling the PRI.</font></div>
<div dir="ltr"> </div>
<div dir="ltr"><font face="Arial" size="2">I did try setting up a
peer on the H.323 router - it may have been what allowed inbound calls
to come TO the device...</font></div>
<div dir="ltr"><br>
<hr tabindex="-1">
<font face="Tahoma" size="2"><b>From:</b> Wes Sisk
[<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="mailto:wsisk@cisco.com">mailto:wsisk@cisco.com</a>]<br>
<b>Sent:</b> Tue 10/11/2005 9:26 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> Tim Reimers<br>
<b>Cc:</b> <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:cisco-voip@puck.nether.net">cisco-voip@puck.nether.net</a><br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [cisco-voip] SJPhone as H.323 client..<br>
<div>when you attempt to route a call out to the PSTN are you routing
through callmanager or are you launching an h225 setup directly at your
VOIP gateway? h225 setup to gateway will only work if gateway is
completely h323 so routing to the PSTN trunk is also performed through
pots dial-peer match.<br>
if you can call softphone->CM->79xx phone, then calling
softphone->CM->gateway unless you run into a codec mismatch or
capabilities exchange fun inherent to h323, but there are configuratoin
options in latest version of CM to help with that. A packet capture
from the softphone client would help discern the root of the poblem.<br>
Tim Reimers wrote:
<blockquote cite="" type="cite">
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">Just
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">I've
got SjPhone set up and running as an H.323 client on my CallManager---</font></span></div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">The
below worked great--- I only have two issues--</font></span></div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">1.
Cannot make calls off the VOIP network-- ie, can call any IP phone.</font></span></div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">Cannot
call to a phone on the PSTN via our ISDN PRI...</font></span></div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">I
added a dial-peer to the router-</font></span></div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">I
can now receive calls from the outside world</font></span></div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">I
cannot make calls going out-- it says 'remote peer did not accept your
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">2.
What licensing is required for this?</font></span></div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">I
might roll out a few more of these if it's legit to use these -</font></span></div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"><font face="Arial" size="2">thanks,
<div><span class="726475720-11102005"></span> </div>
<div><span class="726475720-11102005">
<p><b>Cisco</b> Call Manager Settings. <br>
Call Manager Administration: <br>
1. On the Main page, select Add a New Device. <br>
2. On the Add a New Device page, select Phone for Device Type. Then
click the Next button. <br>
3. On the Add a New Device page, select H.323 Client for Phone Type.
Then click the Next button. <br>
4. One the Phone Configuration page, enter the SJphone's IP address for
Device Name. If the SJphone host has multiple addresses, use the
address selected in the Use following host address option on the
SJphone's Call Options tab. Select the necessary Device pool option
(required) and other settings. Then click the Insert button. <br>
The 'The phone has been inserted in the database. Would you like to add
a directory number for line 1 of this phone now?' message will appear.
Click the Yes button. <br>
5. On the Directory Number Configuration page, enter a phone number
corresponding to this SJphone. Then click the Insert button. <br>
The 'Reset the devices to have the changes take effect' message will
appear. Click the OK button. <br>
The 'Device reset initiated' message will appear. Click the OK button. <br>
The 'The directory number has been assigned to the current device.
Click OK to return to the current device, or Cancel to stay on the
Directory Number page.' Click OK if you are through with the assigned
number, or Cancel, if you want to add an additional assigned number. <br>
6. On the Phone Configuration page, click the Reset Phone button. <br>
7. On the Reset Device pop-up page, click the Reset button to make the
settings for this SJphone take effect. <br>
SJphone Profile. <br>
1. Ensure that SJphone is on the Advanced mode <br>
2. Go to the Profiles tab and click/tap the New button. <br>
The 'Create New Profile' window will appear. <br>
3. In Profile, select 'Calls through H.323 Gateway', then enter the
profile name, and change the File name, if necessary. <br>
4. On the Initialization tab, clear all options. <br>
5. On the H.323 Gateway tab, enter the <b>Cisco</b> Call Manager's IP
address. <br>
6. Leave all other settings on the other tabs as they are. Then
click/tap OK. <br>
7. Select this profile to make it active. This profile does not require
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
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