<div>Just out of curiousity has anyone created or knows of any basic training material for CallManager that might be applicable for an assistant administrator?</div>
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<div>I need to start training an assistant to help me in my CallManager duties. This is going to be someone with no experience in CallManager and VoIP what so ever so I am starting from the ground up on educating this person. I will need to educate him on some basic VoIP principles first of all, codecs and what is jitter, latency and so on. I then will need to educate him on basic CallManager terms and definitions as well as principles such as Regions, Calling Search Space, Partitions, Translation Patterns, Hunt Groups... and on and on. I will then get into his basic functions of adding phones, setting up users in global directory, unity voice mail, and what not.
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<div>I will eventually document some basic troubleshooting procedures, and what to do about certain situations and things and services and so on.</div>
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<div>Obviously I am not training someone for a full fledge administrator position, but at the same time I want him to know enough so that if I need to walk him over something on the phone I want him to understand and be some what familiar.
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<div>Short of any published books on the subject of CallManager administration, I thought I would ask around and see if anyone else has any material they have used on the subject for training someone, as well as if anyone has any documentation on what you believe the role and duties of an assistant callmanager administrator would entail.
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<div>Any thoughts, ideas, documents you want to share anything would be appreciated.</div>