If you haven't already, try looking in the acclient.txt file on the client machine under C:\Program Files\Cisco\Call Manager Attendant Console\logs (you'll need to enable trace in settings). <br><br>For each parked call you should see something similar to:
<br><br> -> parkDN: **00<br> -> parkingParty: 47640<br> -> parkedParty: 10000<br> ACParkedCallsList.processNewIncomingCall: src: 10000 dst: **00 row: 0 Current Row: 0<br><br>Make sure the parkingParty DN matches exactly the extension on the user's phone. There were problems in
4.0 where this could be different (if using a line group for instance) and the parked call wouldn't display. <br><br>I've also had a similar problem once after configuring one site's parked number incorrectly. We create a park range **0X for the primary CCM and **1x for the secondary CCM for each site so the park numbers are the same at every location. Once I accidently assigned the **0X to the secondary and **1x to the primary and although parking calls worked, none of the AC users saw them in the console. Once I corrected the park range assignments it all started working again.
<br><br>We have about 35 sites with at least one person using AC at each site and do not use pilot points/hunt groups anywhere. The park calls display correctly for the most part although once in a while a parked call display will get stuck in the window and the user will have to restart the console to clear it.