<div>Hello all,</div>
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<div>Users are having problem on analog phones connected to VG224 port and registered at CCM 5 .</div>
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<div>analog phone ----VG224</div>
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<div> ---------callmanager 3845(FXO) outgoing and E1R2 for incomming call.</div>
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<div> ---------3845(with FXO for outgoing and E1R2 DID for incomming call).</div>
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<div>1>analog phone A calling Analog Phone B. If phone A hangs up after the call, Phone B gets disconnected with "your phone can't be completed as dialed".</div>
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<div>2>When phone is off hook then user dials, and puts the phone on hook, it takes some time to wait before dial tone appears again.</div>
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<div>3>There is a fax machine that needs to forward calls using hookflash. configured CCM 5 with 2 maximum lines but when hookflash pressed, nothing happens....after 3-4 press of flash button call on the called party gets disconnected.
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<div>4> Users doing phone banking system is having failure entering his/her pin on the analog phone. Is the dtmf-relay needed to be configured on FXO port? can't seem to find the command on the pots dialer peer.</div>
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<div>voice-port 2/0<br> cptone PH<br>!<br>:</div>
<div>sccp local FastEthernet0/0<br>sccp ccm <a href=""></a> identifier 2<br>sccp ccm <a href=""></a> identifier 1<br>sccp<br>!<br>sccp ccm group 2<br> associate ccm 1 priority 2
<br> associate ccm 2 priority 1<br>!<br>dial-peer voice 323 pots<br> service stcap<br> port 2/0<br>!</div>
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<div>Is there any fine tuning parameters that i could use to solve the above problems? These analog phones are connected to a nortel pbx system before without any problems and i got to prove that it works on cisco devices as well.
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<div>Thanks in advance!</div>
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