Good morning,<br><br>I have an issue at a customer site. There is a supervisor who cannot see the agents in her CSQ using the Supervisor Desktop. The following are the pertinents of the issue:<br><br>-Supervisor has this issue intermittently
<br>-No other supervisors are affected <br>-The issue seems to resolve itself after a couple of hours<br>-The issue only affects one CSQ and when it occurs, it can be recreated on another machine using the Supervisor Desktop and observing that CSQ.
<br>-The PC does not have the Internet Connection Firewall enabled (want to rule that out off the bat)<br><br>While it is not a huge show stopping problem, it is an annoyance to the customer and I need to get this one resolved. Any insight would be appreciated, in the meantime I am performing due diligence and opening a TAC case, looking on other forums, etc. Thanks all