<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div style="font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt;">I can't find the cisco doc at the moment, but AFIAK the * means it's the destination leg of call.<br><br><div style="font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt;">----- Original Message ----<br>From: kevin k <kds850@gmail.com><br>To: cisco-voip@puck.nether.net<br>Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2007 3:13:57 PM<br>Subject: [cisco-voip] show voice call status<br><br><div>can anyone explain this</div>
<div>look at "callID" 0x890F. why does it have "*" i have not seen that.</div>
<div>what is it? thanks much</div>
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<div>gateway#sh voice call status<br>CallID CID ccVdb Port DSP/Ch Called # Codec Dial-peers<br>0x8909 1610 0x4657950C 0/2/0:23.3 0/1:3 g711ulaw 1/0<br>0x890F 1613 0x4657950C 0/2/0:
23.7 0/5:3 * g711ulaw 0/1<br>0x8913 1615 0x4657950C 0/2/0:23.1 0/1:1 g711ulaw 1/0<br>0x891B 1619 0x4657950C 0/2/0:23.2 0/1:2 g711ulaw 1/0</div>
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<div>_______________________________________________<br>cisco-voip mailing list<br>cisco-voip@puck.nether.net<br><a target="_blank" href="https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/cisco-voip">https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/cisco-voip</a><br></div></div><br></div></div><br>
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