i have a central office (co) and a remote office. one cluster of ccm at co. 10 M connection b/w remote and co. srst at CO & remote office. one pri @co and one pri at remote office. remote office has ipcc. today i was told that there was a problem at remote office. the users when they dial they get busy signal. i lasted for about 3 min. then again 40 min later.
<br><br>checked the voice gateway and ccm and switches for any logs. nothing much. i am still working my way around ccm so finding some log file is new to me. <br><br>anyhow, i went to ccmservice and used the trace at the time of event. found bunch of xml files. how do i download it to look at it using balk trance analyser. or am i looking at wrong place?
<br><br>any idrea on what could be wrong?<br>where can i go to research for the answer?<br>under trace analysis, i click on some xml file and i get error message? why? they are not even 2M size.<br>how can i download xml to view it on the browser?
<br><br>help!<br><br>you guys are the greatest.<br><br>thank you very much<br><br>