Hi Johan,<br><br>
Could definitely be a dspware bug.<br><br>
Do a sho voice dsp and check dspware version. we ran into a lot of
echo with 4.4.708.....we went to 4.4.18. check with tac for
appropriate upgrade procedures and versions for your hardware.<br><br>
At 12:31 PM 3/20/2007, Johan Bloemhard wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Content-class:
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<font face="Tahoma" size=1>I have been pulling my hair out concerning
echo problems from IP->PSTN calls. I have been through the
<a href="http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk652/tk698/technologies_tech_note09186a0080149a1f.shtml">
website multiple times that Ryan has previously suggested reading.
It is an intermittent problem so it�s very hard to troubleshoot. I
have a TAC case open but the TAC engineer is having me capture data in
the IP Port and the GW port (extremely difficult to do in a production
environment). Also the TAC engineer hasn�t asked for any info on
the 2801 (i.e., sh tech-support) or configs so it�s my belief that maybe
it�s being looked at from the wrong direction.<br>
I was able to get a call out and pull the �sh call active voice� for the
IOS: Cisco IOS Software, 2801 Software (C2801-SPSERVICESK9-M), Version
12.4(10), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<br>
My stats for the call are as below which obviously my echo cancellation
isn�t being activated. I find it hard to believe that I can have an
ACOMLevel of 0 but I�m not sure what could be causing this.<br>
EchoCancellerMaxReflector=19368 <br>
My voice-port configuration is as follows:<br>
Cisco-2801#sh voice port 0/1/1<br>
Foreign Exchange Office 0/1/1 Slot is 0, Sub-unit is 1, Port is 1<br>
Type of VoicePort is FXO<br>
Operation State is DORMANT<br>
Administrative State is UP<br>
The Last Interface Down Failure Cause is Administrative
Noise Regeneration is enabled<br>
Non Linear Processing is enabled<br>
Non Linear Mute is disabled<br>
Non Linear Threshold is -21 dB<br>
Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm<br>
In Gain is Set to -5 dB<br>
Out Attenuation is Set to 5 dB<br>
Echo Cancellation is enabled<br>
Echo Cancellation NLP mute is disabled<br>
Echo Cancellation NLP threshold is -21 dB<br>
Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 64 ms<br>
Echo Cancel worst case ERL is set to 6 dB<br>
Playout-delay Mode is set to adaptive<br>
Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms<br>
Playout-delay Maximum is set to 250 ms<br>
Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms<br>
Playout-delay Fax is set to 300 ms<br>
Connection Mode is plar<br>
Connection Number is 6331<br>
Initial Time Out is set to 10 s<br>
Interdigit Time Out is set to 2 s<br>
Call Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s<br>
Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s<br>
Wait Release Time Out is set to 30 s<br>
Companding Type is u-law<br>
Region Tone is set for US<br>
Analog Info Follows:<br>
Currently processing none<br>
Maintenance Mode Set to None (not in mtc mode)<br>
Number of signaling protocol errors are 0<br>
Impedance is set to 600r Ohm<br>
Station name None, Station number None<br>
Caller ID Info Follows:<br>
Standard BELLCORE<br>
Caller ID is received after 1 ring(s)<br>
Translation profile (Incoming):<br>
Translation profile (Outgoing):<br>
Voice card specific Info Follows:<br>
Signal Type is loopStart<br>
Battery-Reversal is enabled<br>
Number Of Rings is set to 1<br>
Supervisory Disconnect is signal<br>
Answer Supervision is inactive<br>
Hook Status is On Hook<br>
Ring Detect Status is inactive<br>
Ring Ground Status is inactive<br>
Tip Ground Status is inactive<br>
Dial Out Type is dtmf<br>
Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms<br>
InterDigit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms<br>
Pulse Rate Timing is set to 10 pulses/second<br>
InterDigit Pulse Duration Timing is set to 750 ms<br>
Percent Break of Pulse is 60 percent<br>
GuardOut timer is 2000 ms<br>
Minimum ring duration timer is 125 ms<br>
Hookflash-in Timing is set to 600 ms<br>
Hookflash-out Timing is set to 500 ms<br>
Supervisory Disconnnct Timing is set to 350 ms<br>
OPX Ring Wait Timing is set to 6000 ms<br>
Thanks in advance,<br>
</font><font face="Verdana" size=1>Johan Bloemhard <br>
Senior Information Technology Specialist <br>
___________________________________ <br>
<b>Silver Falls School District 4J</b> <br>
802 Schlador Street <br>
Silverton, OR 97381 <br>
w: 503.873.6331 <br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times"> <br>
cisco-voip mailing list<br>
<a href="https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/cisco-voip" eudora="autourl">
Charles B Ragan<br>
CCIE 1764 (Voice/R-S)<br>