Got a customer, we are replacing an old 7835 running IPCC 3.1 with 170 agents with four new servers for IPCC 4.0 (two 7845s and two 7835s).<br><br>I have the licenses, but Cisco issues me two licenses, both say the same thing:
<br><br>INCREMENT CRS_PREICDSRVR cisco 4.0 permanent uncounted \ count 1<br>INCREMENT CRS_PRE_SEAT cisco 4.0 permanent uncounted \ count 85<br><br>The guy issuing the licenses from Cisco also said the following, which I didn't understand:
<br><br>"I have generated and sent you 2 * IPCC version 4.0 licenses, each with 85 agents
as the old licenses (170 agents). Please be aware that 1 license is for MCS 7825
server and the other one is for MCS 7835 server"<br><br>What does this mean (I asked the guy but he hasn't responded...)?<br><br>Also, can anyone point me to a place where I can get substantial instructions for installing this? The plan is for the two 7845s to be CRS Engines, and the two 7835s to be DB/Recording servers.
<br><br>I presume that I just point them all at the same LDAP profile and IPCC figures it out... but this is probably wrong.<br><br>Also, since the agent licenses are split between both servers, what happens in the event of a failure? Does each server only support 85 agents? Or do they double up and all agents can log in?
<br><br>Which server do I point the agents at? Does it matter?<br><br><br><br>Jonathan<br>