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<div>I am trying to write a TCL app, that will translate an original called number to a full DDI number.</div>
<div>This because i want to build an AAR like application on CME.</div>
<div>So call going out a dial-peer 1000 pref 1 (no bandwith via Gatekeeper or WAN failure), then hits my second dialpeer with pref 2, this hits the app, and translates the original called number to a full ddi number, sets up a call to this number and transfer it.
<div>phone calls 1000, gatekeeper rejects, hit app, convert 1000 to +4412345678 set up call and connect phone and destination if succesfull, otherwise play message (temp failure,etc..).</div>
<div>Now i can do this with including all the DN`s and the DDI number within the TCL script, however, i would like to do a db lookup to an sql server</div>
<div>because the entries will be around 2000 dn`s (and dynamic)</div>
<div>Now i am stuck, i can`t find anything that on using TCL within IOS and connecting to a SQL DB.</div>
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<div>Can anyone assist?</div>
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