<div>Analog phones can send and receive calls from IP phones, but</div> <div>when pressing the hookflash key at the analog phone, the analog phone does not get a dial tone in order to transfer the call :(</div> <div> </div> <div>Phones are hooked into FXS ports on a 2811 and will use G729 codec.</div> <div> </div> <div>I have already checked the "Media Termination Point required" check box in the gateway configuration at call manager (using unified call manager 4.2(3) ). I thought that would do the trick, but it didnt, any ideas?</div> <div> </div> <div>This is the gateway config (IOS version 12.4(3g) spservicesK9)</div> <div> </div> <div>!<BR>version 12.4<BR>service timestamps debug datetime msec<BR>service timestamps log datetime msec<BR>service password-encryption<BR>!<BR>ip subnet-zero<BR>!<BR> !<BR>ip cef<BR>!<BR>!<BR>no ip domain lookup<BR>!<BR>voice-card 0<BR> no dspfarm<BR>!<BR>!<BR>!<BR>!<BR>interface
Loopback0<BR> ip address X.X.X.X<BR> h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr X.X.X.X<BR>!<BR>!<BR>ip classless<BR>ip route X.X.X.X 254<BR>!<BR>!<BR>control-plane<BR>!<BR>!<BR>!<BR>voice-port 0/1/0<BR> signal loopStart<BR>!<BR>voice-port 0/1/1<BR> signal loopStart<BR>!<BR>dial-peer voice 10 pots<BR> destination-pattern 50001<BR> port 0/1/0<BR>!<BR>dial-peer voice 20 pots<BR> destination-pattern 50002<BR> port 0/1/1<BR>!<BR>dial-peer voice 1 voip<BR> preference 1<BR> destination-pattern 1...<BR> session target ipv4:X.X.X.X<BR> dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric<BR> codec g729r8 bytes 40<BR> ip qos dscp cs3 media<BR> ip qos dscp cs3 signaling<BR>!<BR>dial-peer voice 4 voip<BR> preference 2<BR> destination-pattern 1...<BR> session target ipv4:X.X.X.X<BR> dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric<BR> codec g729r8 bytes 40<BR> ip qos dscp cs3 media<BR> ip qos dscp
cs3 signaling<BR> !<BR></div><p> 
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