.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div style="text-align: left;">Hi <br><br>i have an issue with SRST mode whenever the WAN link fails and comes back up, basically the SRST mode kicks in properly but when the WAN link is up again some phones remain for ever stuck in SRST fallback mode, the work around today is power off/on the phone so that they register again with our SIP platform from internet access. Here is the sh run fyi, appreciate your assistance and input on this issue thanks.<br><br>MG-VSMRUT02#sh run<br>Building configuration...<br><br>Current configuration : 5138 bytes<br>!<br>! Last configuration change at 17:45:56 MRU Tue Mar 4 2008<br>! NVRAM config last updated at 17:18:22 MRU Wed Feb 13 2008<br>!<br>version 12.3<br>service timestamps debug datetime msec<br>service timestamps log datetime<br>service password-encryption<br>!<br>hostname MG-VSMRUT02<br>!<br>boot-start-marker<br>boot system flash c2800nm-ipvoice-mz.123-14.T7.bin<br>boot-end-marker<br>!<br>logging buffered 4096 debugging<br>enable secret 5 <br>!<br>no aaa new-model<br>!<br>resource policy<br>!<br>clock timezone MRU 3<br>network-clock-participate wic 0 <br>ip subnet-zero<br>!<br>!<br>ip cef<br>no ip dhcp use vrf connected<br>!<br>!<br>ip name-server<br>ip name-server<br>ip name-server<br>no ftp-server write-enable<br>isdn switch-type primary-net5<br>!<br>voice-card 0<br> no dspfarm<br>!<br>!<br>voice call send-alert<br>voice call disc-pi-off<br>voice call carrier capacity active<br>voice rtp send-recv<br>!<br>voice service voip <br> fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback pass-through g711alaw<br> sip<br> no call service stop<br>!<br>!<br>voice class codec 1<br> codec preference 1 g711alaw<br> codec preference 2 g711ulaw<br> codec preference 3 g729r8<br>!<br>!<br>voice translation-rule 8<br> rule 1 /^1/ /01/ type international international<br> rule 2 /^2/ /02/ type international international<br> rule 3 /^3/ /03/ type international international<br> rule 4 /^4/ /04/ type international international<br> rule 5 /^5/ /05/ type international international<br> rule 6 /^6/ /06/ type international international<br> rule 7 /^7/ /07/ type international international<br> rule 8 /^8/ /08/ type international international<br> rule 9 /^9/ /09/ type international international<br> rule 10 /^\(.*\)/ /9\1/ type national national<br> rule 11 /^\(.*\)/ /90\1/ type subscriber subscriber<br>!<br>voice translation-rule 10<br> rule 1 /^9/ //<br> rule 2 /^0/ /020/<br>!<br>voice translation-rule 11<br> rule 1 /^09/ /609/<br>!<br>!<br>voice translation-profile PREFIXINT<br> translate called 11<br>!<br>voice translation-profile SRST-OUT<br> translate called 10<br>!<br>!<br>dial-control-mib retain-timer 20160<br>dial-control-mib max-size 600<br>! <br>!<br>controller E1 0/0/0<br> framing NO-CRC4 <br> pri-group timeslots 1-31<br> description *** +230 20609 00-99 ***<br>!<br>controller E1 0/0/1<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>interface GigabitEthernet0/0<br> ip address<br> duplex auto<br> speed auto<br>!<br>interface GigabitEthernet0/1<br> description to_isp_voice<br> no ip address<br> shutdown<br> duplex auto<br> speed auto<br>!<br>interface Serial0/0/0:15<br> no ip address<br> isdn switch-type primary-net5<br> isdn overlap-receiving<br> isdn incoming-voice voice<br> isdn send-alerting<br> isdn sending-complete<br> no cdp enable<br>!<br>ip default-gateway<br>ip classless<br>ip route<br>!<br>no ip http server<br>!<br>snmp-server community <br>snmp-server location Mauritius<br>snmp-server contact <br>snmp-server enable traps tty<br>snmp-server enable traps isdn call-information<br>snmp-server enable traps isdn layer2<br>snmp-server enable traps isdn chan-not-avail<br>snmp-server enable traps isdn ietf<br>snmp-server enable traps voice poor-qov<br>!<br>! <br>!<br>control-plane<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>voice-port 0/0/0:15<br> playout-delay maximum 170<br> playout-delay nominal 80<br> playout-delay minimum low<br> no comfort-noise<br> bearer-cap 3100Hz<br>!<br>!<br>no mgcp piggyback message<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>dial-peer voice 1234 pots<br> tone ringback alert-no-PI<br> description Incoming PSTN<br> translation-profile incoming PREFIXINT<br> incoming called-number 09..<br> direct-inward-dial<br> port 0/0/0:15<br>!<br>dial-peer voice 1000 voip<br> tone ringback alert-no-PI<br> huntstop<br> service session<br> destination-pattern 609..<br> signaling update from gtd all<br> rtp payload-type cisco-codec-fax-ind 124<br> voice-class codec 1<br> session protocol sipv2<br> session target sip-server<br> dtmf-relay sip-notify cisco-rtp rtp-nte<br> fax-relay ecm disable<br> fax rate 7200 bytes 48<br> fax nsf 000000<br> fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback pass-through g711ulaw<br> no vad<br>!<br>dial-peer voice 4321 pots<br> tone ringback alert-no-PI<br> description Outgoing PSTN<br> translation-profile outgoing SRST-OUT<br> destination-pattern .T<br> progress_ind setup enable 3<br> progress_ind alert enable 8<br> port 0/0/0:15<br>!<br>sip-ua <br> max-forwards 15<br> sip-server dns:lon-ext.voip.x<br>!<br>!<br>call-manager-fallback<br> max-conferences 8 gain -6<br> transfer-system full-consult<br> timeouts interdigit 5<br> ip source-address port 2000<br> max-ephones 30<br> max-dn 40 dual-line preference 1<br> system message primary SRST Mode Activated<br> dialplan-pattern 1 09.. extension-length 5 extension-pattern 609..<br> transfer-pattern 09..<br> no huntstop<br> time-zone 34<br> time-format 24<br> date-format dd-mm-yy<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>scheduler allocate 20000 1000<br>ntp clock-period 17179876<br>ntp server<br>ntp server<br>!<br>end<br><br><br>MG-VSMRUT02#sh ver<br>Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-IPVOICE-M), Version 12.3(14)T7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)<br>Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport<br>Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<br>Compiled Wed 22-Mar-06 18:40 by pwade<br><br>ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(13r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<br>ROM: Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-IPBASE-M), Version 12.4(3g), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)<br><br>MG-VSMRUT02 uptime is 28 weeks, 6 days, 17 hours, 22 minutes<br>System returned to ROM by power-on<br>System restarted at 17:25:07 MRU Wed Aug 15 2007<br>System image file is "flash:c2800nm-ipvoice-mz.123-14.T7.bin"<br><br>Cisco 2851 (revision 53.51) with 251904K/10240K bytes of memory.<br>Processor board ID FCZ111874JW<br>2 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces<br>31 Serial interfaces<br>2 Channelized E1/PRI ports<br>DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity enabled.<br>239K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.<br>62720K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write)<br><br>Configuration register is 0x2102<br></div><br /><hr />Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! 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