I have a setup where I have 10 POTS lines coming into a 2801.<br>And at the desks, 7960s with 7914 sidecars. Each line is on the sidecar.<br><br>When people call out, they take one of these 10 lines, and callers call in on whatever lines are<br>
still available.<br><br>Anyway, the previous phone system, you could tell when a line was in use, it was lit up.<br>Here, if someone calls that line, it lights up, but if I place an outbound call, I have no way of knowing which <br>
line is no longer available (it doesn't light up on the sidecar).<br><br>Not major, but can you think of anyway to 'fix' this for end users that are heavily resistant to change??!!<br><br>Thanks.<br>