<div dir="ltr">I'm trying to upgrade ccm 4.1(2) to UC 6.1(2b) but during DMA it fails and spits out 'registry tcpipwindowsize' not found.<br>I found a tech note on <a href="http://cisco.com">cisco.com</a> but that points saying 'you must have a valid login admin account' that i have and i don't see any issue installing other things on that CCM using admin credintials.<br>
I have even made a manual entry in regedit for tcpwindowssize but still no go. still same error registry key not found for tcpipwindowsize.<br>BTW, I am using DMA6.1.2.<br><br>Any pointer?<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Smile, you'll save someone else's day!<br>