<div dir="ltr">Guys,<br><br>upgraded CCM 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 still no go.<br>I have tried with latest service pack 7 and 5b as well.<br><br>DataMigrationAssistant-6-1-1a<br>DataMigrationAssistant-6-1-2<br><br>I got error cscript error when i tried installing DMA and i fixed it by downloading the "cscript56 win2k" from microsoft. It was cscript 5.2 and DMA needed 5.6 minimu.m.<br>
<br><br>what have tried so far.<br><br>this is the error i am getting now;<br><br>"DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA FindFirstFile() failed, unable to find
matched file:C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\DBL\*installdb*.*,
GetLastError() = 19684270"<br><br>Below are the full logs:<br><br>09/27/2008 00:07:53.274 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA --> fnUninstallDMA <br>09/27/2008 00:07:53.743 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA DeleteMTSCom(DMA) returned: 0 <br>
09/27/2008 00:07:54.133 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA DeleteIISVirDir() returned: 0 <br>09/27/2008 00:07:54.180 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA DeleteNTUser DMABack_Admin returned: 0 <br>09/27/2008 00:07:54.180 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA fnDeleteDMABack_AdminFolders() returned: 0 <br>
09/27/2008 00:07:54.180 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA Data is deleted from SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems\DMA. <br>09/27/2008 00:07:54.227 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA fnRemoveDataSource(ids_ccm) returned: 2 <br>09/27/2008 00:07:54.258 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA fnRemoveDataSource(ids_ccm_w) returned: 2 <br>
09/27/2008 00:07:54.274 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA fnRemoveDataSource(ids_cer) returned: 2 <br>09/27/2008 00:07:54.274 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA Informix Client-SDK has been uninstalled prior to uninstalling DMA. <br>
09/27/2008 00:07:54.290 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA Informix has already been removed from the Add/Remove program by user. <br>09/27/2008 00:07:55.993 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA C:\CiscoWebs\DMA is successfully deleted <br>
09/27/2008 00:07:56.024 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA C:\DMAROOT is successfully deleted <br>09/27/2008 00:07:56.555 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA C:\INFORMIX is successfully deleted <br>09/27/2008 00:07:57.071 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA C:\IFMXDATA is successfully deleted <br>
09/27/2008 00:07:57.602 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA C:\preferences is successfully deleted <br>09/27/2008 00:07:57.649 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\DMA is successfully deleted <br>09/27/2008 00:07:57.696 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA C:\tmp is successfully deleted <br>
09/27/2008 00:07:57.743 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA FindFirstFile() failed, unable to find matched file:C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\DBL\*installdb*.*, GetLastError() = 19684270 <br>09/27/2008 00:07:57.743 DMAInstall.cpp fnUninstallDMA <-- fnUninstallDMA <br>