Hello,<br><br> Has anyone managed to get correctly work credentials on cme 4 in sip-ua with sip express router (or possibly asterisk)?<br><br>My config for sip-ua:<br><br>sip-ua<br> credentials username NAME1 password bla-bla realm ipv4:ip.of.ccme.device<br>
credentials username NAME2 password bla-bla realm ipv4:ip.of.ccme.device<br> keepalive target ipv4:ip.of.my.ser<br> authentication username NAME1 password bal-bla<br> nat symmetric role passive<br> no remote-party-id<br>
retry register 5<br> timers connect 100<br> timers register 100<br> registrar ipv4:ip.of.my.ser expires 3600<br> sip-server ipv4:ip.of.my.ser<br> notify telephone-event max-duration 1000<br> host-registrar<br> presence enable<br>
notify ignore substate<br><br>I
managed to register only sip account with the NAME1, because it has
been configured with authentication command (authentication username
NAME1 password bal-bla)<br>How can I register account with username NAME2? ccme does not support authentication for second username. <br>
<br>Thanks fot any help<br>