<TITLE>Re: Intercluster Dialing Issue</TITLE>
<FONT SIZE="4"><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:14.0px'><B>Okay, gang, just looking for some opinion here. Thinking this might be a routing issue, I tried doing a traceroute between the Call Managers in the two clusters. When the traceroute didn’t complete successfully, I remembered that Cisco Security Agent was running on the far end cluster. As soon as I turned it off, the traceroute completed — as I suspected it would. However, interestingly enough, as soon as I turned it off, the calls between the two clusters are now ringing through immediately and remote dial tone is also working again. What is there in the CSA setup that would hamper intercluster dialing? Just picking your collective brains to see if anyone has run into this before or if any of you have any ideas on why this might happen.<BR>
Thanks in advance...<BR>
</B></SPAN></FONT></FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><FONT SIZE="2"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10.0px'>-- <BR>
Jim Reed<BR>
Swift Communications, Inc.<BR>
970-683-5646 (Direct)<BR>
775-772-7666 (Cell)<BR>
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On 3/17/09 10:54 AM, "Jim Reed" <jreed@swiftnews.com> wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><FONT SIZE="4"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:14.0px'><B><BR>
We have two (2) Call Manager clusters connected via an MPLS WAN. When I try to directly dial a five (5) digit extension on cluster B from cluster A, the first time I dial the call can take up to forty-five (45) seconds to connect. If I dial an extension, immediately hang up and then immediately dial that same extension again, the call goes right through. My first thought was that I had a conflicting dial pattern that was waiting for more digits before timing out and completing the call but that does not appear to be the case. Just wondering if anyone else has run into a similar issue and what they may have found the issue to be. This worked without issue for quite some time so its likely some change that we made when adding another location has caused the issue but thus far I have not been able to track it down.<BR>
Thank You...<BR>
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