Hi everyone,<br><br>Anyone run into this issue before on the cli of UCM 7.X where services cannot be restarted or managed via the cli? Anyone know how to find the real service names or find a workaround for cli? Obviously I can do it from the webpage, but I can't script that.<br>
<br><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 51);">admin:utils service restart Cisco Tftp</span><br><br>Executed command unsuccessfully<br>Invalid service name for restart, valid names are:<br> System SSH<br> Cluster Manager<br>
Service Manager<br> Cisco Tomcat<br> Cisco Database Layer Monitor<br> Cisco CallManager Serviceability<br><br><br>admin:utils service list<br><br>Requesting service status, please wait...<br>System SSH [STARTED]<br>
Cluster Manager [STARTED]<br>Service Manager is running<br>Getting list of all services<br>>> Return code = 0<br>(shortend list for readability)<br>Cisco Syslog Agent[STARTED]<br><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">Cisco Tftp[STARTED]</span><br>