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<div>I want to test unified monility advantage in a lab and I was curious about the certificate requirements. I am able to run my asa on vmware esxi and hang it off my dmz. Traffic does not have to flow through the asa just to it and then it will proxy the info correct? Meaning I don't have to put the asa facing my internet connection it can just be a host with a private address.</div>
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<div>I see one of the requirements is below. Can I use a self signed certificate with the iphone client for test? Do I have to purchase a trusted root one? If so it referances verisign or geotrust. Would a cheaper vendor like godaddy for 30 bucks a year work?</div>
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<div><a name="Certificate_Requirements"></a><a name="wp82682"></a><a name="wpxref62219"></a>
<h3 class="p_H_Head3">Certificate Requirements </h3><a name="wp82686"></a>
<p class="pB1_Body1">The Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance requires a signed certificate from VeriSign or GeoTrust. These certificates are supported because they are generally available on all mobile devices. </p></div>