Hi All,<br> I have a couple of questions regarding a new SIP integration that I am testing. I have inbound and outbound calling working without any problems, but I am not seeing inbound caller ID, nor do supplementary services seem to work(hold/transfer). Here is the setup, and if anybody can help and needs more details, I can provide.<br>
<br>SIP Provider<--SIP--> 2651xm(CUBE) <-- H323--> CUCM 6.1.2<--SCCP-->7960<br><br>1. Caller ID- outbound is good, but not inbound. Should I be looking at the CM or at the CUBE for this?<br>2. Supplementary Services- I have a software MTP configured for the call manager, but currently no hardware DSP in the Router for MTP. Is this likely the problem? We will eventually be running a 2800/3800 with DSPs, but i had the 2600 laying around so I tried it first.<br>
<br>Thanks for any help in advance.<br><br>--Frank <br>