Hi all, <br><br>earlier we had some phones restarted with calls dropped. RTMT sent the below alerts<br><br>----<br>
<p class="MsoPlainText"><span style> </span>At Wed Nov 07
14:10:19 GMT 2012 on node, the following SyslogSeverityMatchFound
events generated:<span style> </span></p>
<p class="MsoPlainText">SeverityMatch : Alert</p>
<p class="MsoPlainText">MatchedEvent : Nov<span style>
</span>7 14:09:39 CCM-SUB3 local7 1 ccm: 1769835: CCM-SUB3: Nov 07 2012 14:09:39.509 UTC :<span style> </span>%UC_CALLMANAGER-1-SDLLinkOOS:
CallManager][ClusterID=StandAloneCluster][NodeID=NCCHQ-CCM-SUB3]:<span style="background-color:rgb(255,255,51)"> SDL link to
remote application is out of service</span> AppID : Cisco Syslog Agent ClusterID
:<span style> </span></p>
<p class="MsoPlainText">NodeID : CCM-SUB3</p>
<p class="MsoPlainText"><span style> </span>TimeStamp : Wed
Nov 07 14:09:39 GMT 2012<span style> </span></p>
<p class="MsoPlainText"><span style> </span></p>
<p class="MsoPlainText">SeverityMatch : Alert </p>
<p class="MsoPlainText">MatchedEvent : Nov<span style>
</span>7 14:09:39 <span style="background-color:rgb(255,255,0)">CCM-SUB3 syslog 1 nbslogpd[6237]: 68 messages were
dropped</span><span style><span style="background-color:rgb(255,255,0)"> </span> </span></p>
<p class="MsoPlainText">AppID : Cisco Syslog Agent</p>
<p class="MsoPlainText">ClusterID :<span style> </span></p>
<p class="MsoPlainText">NodeID :CCM-SUB3</p>
<p class="MsoPlainText"><span style> </span>TimeStamp : Wed
Nov 07 14:09:40 GMT 2012<span style> </span></p>
--------- <br><br>apparently sub3 lost communication with sub2. (we had another alert saying the reverse -sub2 lost it with sub3). can not find a valid reason of why this could have happened. checked the sub2 alternative syslogs in the RTMT but can only find some regular station connection errors and end point unregistered.<br>
<br>any ideas please!!<br><br>thanks<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><font style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif;color:rgb(51,102,255)" size="4"><span style="color:rgb(0,0,153)">@bbas.. </span><br><span><span style="background-color:rgb(255,0,0)"></span></span></font><br>