Hi all, <br><br>just to clairfy, we have confirgured PCM Type to ALaw (as in UK) on the MGCP gateways but all calls received shows ULaw on the phones. <br><br>I believe our MGCP gateway is transcoding them as below<br><br>
Gateway3#show voice dsp active <br> <br>DSP DSP DSPWARE CURR BOOT PAK TX/RX<br>TYPE NUM CH CODEC VERSION STATE STATE RST AI VOICEPORT TS ABORT PACK COUNT<br>==== === == ======== ========== ===== ======= === == ========= == ===== ============<br>
<br> <br>----------------------------FLEX VOICE CARD 0 -----------------------<br>-------<br> *DSP ACTIVE VOICE CHANNELS*<br>DSP DSPWARE VOX DSP SIG DSP PAK TX/RX<br>
TYPE VERSION CODEC NUM CH TS VOICEPORT SLT NUM CH TS RST AI ABRT PACK COUNT<br>====== ========== ======== === == == ========= === === == == === == ==== ============<br>C5510 27.3.1 <b>g711ulaw</b> 001 01 29 0/0/0:15 000 002 12 29 0 0 0 13359/13680<br>
C5510 27.3.1 g711ulaw 001 02 31 0/0/0:15 000 002 14 31 0 0 0 3707/3816<br clear="all"><br>The SIP trunks are enalbed to use MTP resources and the <label for="TKSIPCODEC">MTP Preferred Originating Codec</label><img id="tksipcodec_img" alt="Required Field" src=""> is set to ALaw. <br>
<br><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">I think we are wasting alot of MTP resources converting from A to U. is there a way to use a uniform codec in CUCM 8.5. </span><br><br>Many thanks <br>-- <br><font style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif;color:rgb(51,102,255)" size="4"><span style="color:rgb(0,0,153)">@bbas.. </span><br>
<span><span style="background-color:rgb(255,0,0)"></span></span></font><br>