11/19/2012 09:58:36.719 CCM|StationInit: (0043167) EnblocCall calledParty=88200.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.720 CCM|StationD: (0043167) StopTone.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.720 CCM|StationD: (0043167) SelectSoftKeys instance=1 reference=40326360 softKeySetIndex=6 validKeyMask=ffffffff.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.725 CCM|Digit Analysis: wait_DaReq: Matching Legacy Numeric, digits=88200| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.725 CCM|Digit Analysis: getDaRes - voiceMailCallingSearchSpace=[6107a70a-fdf9-4a0d-4a76-3fbc408cb8f5]| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.725 CCM|Digit analysis: match(pi="2", fqcn="0959602203", cn="2203",plv="5", pss="pt_International:pt_LocalGSM:pt_VivacellGSM:pt_Internal:Pt_MDCLebanon", TodFilteredPss="pt_International:pt_LocalGSM:pt_VivacellGSM:pt_Internal:Pt_MDCLebanon", dd="88200",dac="0")| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.725 CCM|Digit analysis: analysis results| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.725 CCM||PretransformCallingPartyNumber=2203 |CallingPartyNumber=2203 |DialingPartition=Pt_MDCLebanon |DialingPattern=88.2XX |FullyQualifiedCalledPartyNumber=88200 |DialingPatternRegularExpression=(88)(2[0-9][0-9]) |DialingWhere= |PatternType=Enterprise |PotentialMatches=NoPotentialMatchesExist |DialingSdlProcessId=(0,0,0) |PretransformDigitString=88200 |PretransformTagsList=ACCESS-CODE:SUBSCRIBER |PretransformPositionalMatchList=88:200 |CollectedDigits=88200 |UnconsumedDigits= |TagsList=ACCESS-CODE:SUBSCRIBER |PositionalMatchList=88:200 |VoiceMailbox=8200 |VoiceMailCallingSearchSpace=pt_Auto_Attendant:pt_Internal |VoiceMailPilotNumber=8700 |RouteBlockFlag=RouteThisPattern |RouteBlockCause=0 |AlertingName= |UnicodeDisplayName= |DisplayNameLocale=1 |InterceptPartition= |InterceptPattern= |InterceptWhere= |InterceptSdlProcessId=(0,0,0) |InterceptSsType=0 |InterceptSsKey=0 |InterceptSsNotifyType=0 |OverlapSendingFlagEnabled=0 |WithTags= |WithValues= |CallingPartyNumberPi=NotSelected |ConnectedPartyNumberPi=NotSelected |CallingPartyNamePi=NotSelected |ConnectedPartyNamePi=NotSelected |CallManagerDeviceType=NoDeviceType |PatternPrecedenceLevel=Routine |CallableEndPointName=[a878403b-f162-f1fa-d89e-33f1dec3f796] |PatternNodeId=[0a07591f-02e0-0450-ec86-3ef0b34c636d] |AARNeighborhood=[] |AARDestinationMask=[] |AARKeepCallHistory=true |AARVoiceMailEnabled=false |NetworkLocation=OnNet |ProvideOutsideDialtone=false |AllowDeviceOverride=false |AlternateMatches= Information Not Available |TranslationPatternDetails= Information Not Available| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|Digit analysis: insert daResEntry to daResCache. KeyCi=40326360 ,PID:Cdcc(2,175,6040004)| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|Digit analysis: callableEPName [a878403b-f162-f1fa-d89e-33f1dec3f796] sent to device manager| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|SMDMSharedData::findAliasRegInfo - AliasName = a878403b-f162-f1fa-d89e-33f1dec3f796 not in AliasInfo hashmap| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|DeviceManager::star_DmPidReq - RequestedName=a878403b-f162-f1fa-d89e-33f1dec3f796 LookupName=a878403b-f162-f1fa-d89e-33f1dec3f796| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|SMDMSharedData::findLocalDevice - Name=Viva-to-MDC-ICT-RL Key=a878403b-f162-f1fa-d89e-33f1dec3f796 isActvie=1 Pid=(2,89,6) found| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|Digit analysis: daResEntry found.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|Digit analysis: wait_DmPidRes - Name=[a878403b-f162-f1fa-d89e-33f1dec3f796] cmDeviceType=[AccessDevice] Pid=RouteListControl(2,100,89,6)| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|Digit analysis: wait_DmPidRes- Partition=[Pt_MDCLebanon] Pattern=[88.2XX] Where=[],cmDeviceType=[AccessDevice], OutsideDialtone =[0], DeviceOverride=[0], PID=RouteListControl(2,100,89,6)| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|processCCMFeatureData: operationIeIdd=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.726 CCM|LineControl - restert0_CcProceedReq updated precedence of CI=40326360 to 5| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.727 CCM|LineCdpc(5636570): -dispatchToAllDevices-, sigName=CcProceedReq, device=SEP002290032C10| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.727 CCM|StationCdpc: CcProceedReq - unicodeConnectedUnicodeDisplayName='' asciiConnectedDisplayName=''| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.727 CCM|StationCdpc: CcProceedReq - unicodeCallingPartyName='Abebe Amare' asciiCallingPartyName='Abebe Amare' callingParty='2203' unicodeCalledPartyName='' asciiCalledPartyName='' calledParty='88200'| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.727 CCM|Cdcc::sendCcSetupReq: precLvl=5| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.727 CCM|StationD: (0043167) DialedNumber dialedNumber=88200 lineInstance=1 callReference=40326360.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.728 CCM|StationD: (0043167) CallState callState=12 lineInstance=1 callReference=40326360 privacy=0 precedenceLv=4 precedenceDm=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.728 CCM|StationD: (0043167) (2,100,7,6058449) CallInfo callingPartyName='Abebe Amare' callingParty=2203 cgpnVoiceMailbox=2203 calledPartyName='' calledParty=88200 cdpnVoiceMailbox=8200 originalCalledPartyName='' originalCalledParty=88200 originalCdpnVoiceMailbox=8200 originalCdpnRedirectReason=0 lastRedirectingPartyName='' lastRedirectingParty=88200 lastRedirectingVoiceMailbox=8200 lastRedirectingReason=0 callType=2(OutBound) lineInstance=1 callReference=40326360. version: 85720011| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.728 CCM|StationD: (0043167) DEBUG- star_DSetCallState(6) State of cdpc(5640870) is 5.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.728 CCM|RouteListControl::idle_CcSetupReq - numberSetup=0 numberMember=1 vmEnabled=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.728 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:36.728 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:36.728 CCM|RouteListControl::idle_CcSetupReq - RouteListCdrc::create CI = 40326361 BRANCH = 0| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RoutePlanServer::getRouteList| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc - RouteList Info, by RouteGroups| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteList - RouteListName=''Viva-to-MDC-ICT-RL''| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteList - CallableEndPointName=''a878403b-f162-f1fa-d89e-33f1dec3f796''| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteList - routeListEnabled=''1''| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|TDCLdb.hpp - CallManagerGroup - serverCount = 2| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|TDCLdb.hpp - CallManagerGroup - nodeId = 2| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|TDCLdb.hpp - CallManagerGroup - nodeId = 1| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteList - RouteGroup count=''1''| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc - RouteGroup count = 1| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc - Device count = 1| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::getDefAe CI=40326361 BRANCH=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::null0_CcSetupReq - gets a next group while 1 groups remain. mAttemptPreemptionCurrentRouteFlag = 0| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::algorithmCategorization -- CDRC_SERIAL_DISTRIBUTION type=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::null0_ccsetupreq -- newBusyRejFlag = 0, last route_setting = 1| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::createPartyTransformedCcSetupReqMsg - before DAapplyCdpnXform() preXformCdpn=88200 preTag=ACCESS-CODE:SUBSCRIBER prePos=88:200 crCdpnMask= crPrefixDigit= crDDI=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::createPartyTransformedCcSetupReqMsg - after DAapplyCdpnXform() xformCdpn=200 xformTag=SUBSCRIBER xformPos=200 | 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::transformed cdpn (without unconsumpt digits) = 200, unconsumed digit=| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::null0_CcSetupReq - Selecting a device.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::selectDevices -- mTemporaryDeviceInfoList.size = 1.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|RouteListCdrc::null0_CcSetupReq - RNAR timeout = 0.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.729 CCM|SMDMSharedData::findAliasRegInfo - AliasName = 185e3795-79f0-da74-ced4-9c05fb981944 not in AliasInfo hashmap| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|DeviceManager::star_DmPidReq - RequestedName=185e3795-79f0-da74-ced4-9c05fb981944 LookupName=185e3795-79f0-da74-ced4-9c05fb981944| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|SMDMSharedData::findLocalDevice - Name=Viva-to-MDC-ICT Key=185e3795-79f0-da74-ced4-9c05fb981944 isActvie=1 Pid=(2,159,7) found| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|RouteListCdrc::select_facility_DmPidRes: Execute a route action.| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|RouteListCdrc::algorithmCategorization -- CDRC_SERIAL_DISTRIBUTION type=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|RouteListCdrc::routeAction -- current device name=185e3795-79f0-da74-ced4-9c05fb981944, idle or available | 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|RouteListCdrc::executeRouteAction: EXTEND_CALL_TO_CURRENT_MEMBER| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|RouteListCdrc::distributeCall CI=40326361 BRANCH=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|RouteListCdrc::executeRouteAction: EXTEND_CALL_TO_CURRENT_MEMBER -- Success| 11/19/2012 09:58:36.730 CCM|Locations_reserveBandwidth -- cdccPID=(2.175.6040004) (Orig=1)=(Dest=1) OR both in default locations no need to reserve bw.| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.327 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - CtiLineCallDisconnectReq LH=2|2473| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.327 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - CtiLineCallDisconnectReq LH=2|2473| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOnHook| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOnHook| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationCdpc(5640849): StationCtiCdpc - StationOutputStopTone to send ToneChangeNotify CH=2|40326317| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationCdpc(5640849): StationCtiCdpc - DStopInd CH=2|40326317 mSavedCcDisconnReq=NULL CmSsFeature=1 ReasonForRedirection=0 OnBehalfOf=Device CallReason=1 CallState=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationCdpc(5640849): StationCtiCdpc - GenerateCallStateEvent CH=2|40326317 CallState=1 CmSsFeature=1 CallReason=1 CallStateChangeCause=16 RIU=0 CallSelectStatus=0 AuxiliaryData=0 Privacy=0 Feature=137 LRP= LRPName= callingPartyIPAddr=0x1f64640a| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationCtiCdpc : GenerateCallStateEvent - CgPnPi=0 CgpnNamePi=0 CdpnPi=0 CdpnNamePi=0 OCdpnPi=0 OCdpnNamePi=0 LRPPi=0 LRPName=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationCdpc(5640849): StationCtiCdpc - convertTagsAndCB| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationCdpc(5640849): StationCtiCdpc - convertExtTags| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationCdpc(5640849): StationCtiCdpc - StationOutputCloseReceiveChannel CH=2|40326317 StationPid=(2,100,66,38973)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationCdpc(5640849): StationCtiCdpc - StationOutputStopMediaTransmission CH=2|40326317 StationPid=(2,100,66,38973)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|LineControl TEST DEBUGS: Number of entries in CallTable is = 1 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationD: (0038973) SetLamp mode=1, stim=9 stimInst=1.| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.328 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOutputSetLamp| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOutputSetLamp| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD: (0038973) ClearPromptStatus don't need to send, because mIsALegacyDevice = 0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - CtiStopReceptionNotify CI=40326317| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - CtiStopReceptionNotify CI=40326317| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - CtiStopTransmissionNotify CI=40326317| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - CtiStopTransmissionNotify CI=40326317| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOutputDefineTimeDate| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOutputDefineTimeDate| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD: (0038973) DEBUG- star_DSetCallPhase updateACall=40326317 from Phase=1 to callPhase=3.| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationCtiD::determineDSSDeviceState callphase = 3| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationCtiD::determineDSSDeviceState atLeastOneCallActive=0, atLeastOneCallAlerting=0, atLeastOneCallOnHold=0, atLeastOneCallWhisper=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.329 CCM|StationD: (0038973) DEBUG- star_DSetCallState(15) State of cdpc(5640849) is 10.| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - DStopInd Cause=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - DStopInd Cause=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD: (0038973) restart0_DStopInd: No Linked StationCdpc.| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD: (0038973) INFO restart0_DStopInd: Enable NewCall on line=1 limit=4| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD: (0038973) restart0_DStopInd: DEBUG: StationCdpc(5640849) removed. Calltable contains 0 calls.| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|CCM_PI: CPIClass::incValue(), Caller's error, inappropriate InstanceIndex[118] > m_nMaxCreatedInstanceIndex[3] or m_nMaxCreatedInstanceIndex == -1. PIClass(Enum=2)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|LineCdpc(5636549)dispatchKeyReleaseReq - mDevicePid(2, 66, 38973); mSelectedDPid(0, 0, 0), mOnBehalfOf(), rfr(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOutputSetSpeakerMode| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOutputSetSpeakerMode| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD: (0038973) SetRinger ringMode=1(RingOff).| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOutputSetRinger| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.330 CCM|StationD(38973): StationCtiD - StationOutputSetRinger| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.331 CCM|LineControl(13217) - Release call instance=1 for CI=40326317| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.331 CCM|LineControl::sendSNFNotifyIndForPresenceWithAlerting mPrecenceWithAlertingChangeNotifySubscribed=0, calllist#=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.331 CCM|LineControl (13217) - DStopInd - Line become idle| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.331 CCM|LineControl(13217) - 0 calls, 0 CiReq, busyTrigger=2, maxCall=4| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.331 CCM|processCCMFeatureData: operationIeIdd=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|CCM_PI: CPIClass::decValue(), Caller's error, inappropriate InstanceIndex[167] > m_nMaxCreatedInstanceIndex[103] or m_nMaxCreatedInstanceIndex == -1. PIClass(Enum=3)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|EnvProcessCdr::wait_DbCdrReq| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|EnvProcessCdr::wait_DbCdrReq DETAILED Entries 3490215, Inserts 3335968, ZeroCalls 154247, StartRecords 0, Default 0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|EnvProcessCdr::formatCdrData| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|ForwardManager - wait_SsDataInd - Key= 0x0, party= 40326317, BCC= 7| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|ForwardManager - findCallBySsParty - Found entry for party= 40326317, callkey= 0x2504E0 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|ForwardManager - findInterceptTableEntry(ssKey) - Found Intercept table entry for dn= 8800:, InterceptKey= 0x64,0x64| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|ForwardManager - wait_SsDataInd - BASIC_CALL_RELEASE - mPartyToActiveCallIndexMap - Removed entry Destparty= 40326317, callkey= 0x2504E0 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|EnvProcessCdr::outputCdrData CDR data - 1,2,10819372,40326314,1353308280,2,40326314,526672906,"956163956","",0,0,4,526672906,18726,4,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,"0","0",40326317,2,0,862217226,"8800","8452","",0,16,4,862217226,24876,4,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,"0","0",1353308280,1353308317,"8800","9e6bee70-072d-4fec-8120-812c8fa8436d","","","pt_ContactCenter","",37,"","CC_8452",0,12,1,1,18,18,0,"StandAloneCluster",1,"","",0,"",1,1,0,0,64,64,"" | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|Forwarding - awaitingCallResponse_SsDataInd - BASIC_CALL_RELEASE - Destination Release. party= 40326317, callKey= 0x2504E0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.334 CCM|ConnectionManager - wait_AuDisconnectRequest(40326317,40326314),disconnectType(1), IFHandling(0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|ConnectionManager - storeMediaInfo(40326317): EXISTING ENTRY DISCOVERED, size=51| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|ConnectionManager - storeMediaInfo(40326314): EXISTING ENTRY DISCOVERED, size=51| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_AuDisconnectRequest,CI(40326317,40326314),IFCreated(1,1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_AuDisconnectRequest - sending disconnect to MediaManager(6171730)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|MediaManager(6171730)::wait_AuDisconnectRequest, mCleanupPreallocatedMTP=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|MediaManager(6171730)::wait_AuDisconnectRequest, mrid(0,0) ci(4032631440326317) size(1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|MediaManager(6171730)::wait_AuDisconnectRequest, StopSession,disconn MX(110,6202403) mrid (0 0), IFHandling(0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|MediaExchange(6202403)::wait_Disconnect, dt=1,stReason=0,IFHandling(0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679667)::closeRecvForAllAudioChannels, mAudioIncomingLC2AGIDMap size = 1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679667)::needToPassThru, isMTP=0, mediaType=1, aPT=2, vPT=2, switching to Fax=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|StationD: (0038973) CC_8452 , INFO star_MediaExchangeAgenaCloseLogicalChannel can't find call=40326317 partyId= 23a3130| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.335 CCM|StationD: (0038973) CC_8452 , INFO star_MediaExchangeStopTalking can't find call=40326317 partyId= 23a3130| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.336 CCM|H245ASN - TtPid=(2,100,14,2510473) -Outgoing -value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : closeLogicalChannel : { forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1, source user : NULL }| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.336 CCM|H225Cdpc::requestConnect_TcpStartSessionRes(2651082, 40326361): TcpStartSessionRes from H225Handler=7| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.336 CCM|H225Cdpc::null0_CcSetupReq, ci=40326361, branch=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.336 CCM|H225Cdpc::null0_CcSetupReq(2651082, 40326361): FastStartInfo: Outbound FastStart Triggered - PreAllocating MTP| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.336 CCM|H225Cdpc::null0_CcSetupReq, ci=40326361, branch=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.336 CCM|H225D::restart0_TcpConnectionInfo: H225Cdpc(2,100,160,2651082), ConnPid(2,100,7,6058454), crv=2, mCiCrCrpEntries=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|QoSPolicyServer - createLocationPairPolicyMapKey =1:1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|H225D::restart0_RSVPRegisterRes, CI=40326361, branch=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=64, capACount=0, capBCount=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmAllocateMtpResourceReq| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmAllocateMtpResourceReq - MRGL SEARCH,TRY CREATING CHILD USING MRGL LIST| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MRM::convertScmStringToStdString MRG_MDC| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MRM::getMtpDeviceGivenMrgl| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MRM::getMtpDeviceGivenMrgl MTP002290888461 Group=0 Counter=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MRM::getMtpDeviceGivenMrgl GETTING MTP FROM DEFAULT LIST| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MRM::getMtpDeviceGivenMrgl GETTING XCODE FROM DEFAULT LIST| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MRM::getMtpDeviceGivenMrgl MTP002290888460 Group=3 Counter=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmAllocateMtpResourceReq - CREATED CHILD USING MRGL AND DEFAULT LIST| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(0)::createTempDeviceTable - Entries copied in the Temp Device Table = 2| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683) - Started| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.337 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::waiting_MrmAllocateMtpResourceReq - CI=40326362| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|DeviceManager::star_DmMultiPidReq - PID(s) Requested=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|SMDMSharedData::findAliasRegInfo - AliasName = 1b92cba3-0951-bcdb-20b2-a395461a46c2 not in AliasInfo hashmap| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|SMDMSharedData::findLocalDevice - Name=MTP002290888461 Key=1b92cba3-0951-bcdb-20b2-a395461a46c2 isActvie=1 Pid=(2,138,863401) found| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|H245ASN - TtPid=(2,100,14,2510473) -Incoming -value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : closeLogicalChannelAck : { forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1 }| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|SMDMSharedData::findAliasRegInfo - AliasName = da761ab8-8e4d-1698-2333-4c62b9822057 not in AliasInfo hashmap| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|SMDMSharedData::findLocalDevice - Name=MTP002290888460 Key=da761ab8-8e4d-1698-2333-4c62b9822057 isActvie=1 Pid=(2,138,863400) found| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::createDevicePidTable - Entries copied in the Device Table = 2| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::createLookupTbl| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::createLookupTbl Name=MTP002290888461 Cepn=1b92cba3-0951-bcdb-20b2-a395461a46c2 Group=0 Counter=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::createLookupTbl Name=MTP002290888460 Cepn=da761ab8-8e4d-1698-2333-4c62b9822057 Group=3 Counter=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::waiting_MrmAllocateMtpResourceReq - CI=40326362| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::findDeviceGivenList| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc::getNextMTPDevice MtpDevice=MTP002290888461 Cepn=1b92cba3-0951-bcdb-20b2-a395461a46c2 dtmf=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::sendMtpAllocateRequestToDevice MtpResource=MTP002290888461 Cepn=1b92cba3-0951-bcdb-20b2-a395461a46c2| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::waiting_AllocateMtpResourceReq - (capCount,region),A(0,),B(1,MDC-Lebanon), reqDtmfCapability=0, DeviceCap=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.338 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::matchRequestedCapabilities DeviceName=MTP002290888461 Ci=40326362, Device Capability=1, Requested DTMF Capability=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::getResourcesAllocated -- DeviceName=MTP002290888461 Ci=40326362 ResourceCount=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::getResourcesAllocated -- suppress caps A, trying to match caps B| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::getResourcesAllocated -- Logging RegionB= Caps and MTP/XCoder Region=Default Caps| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::logCapabilitiesinTrace -- MTP/XCoder Device Caps = 11 257 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::logCapabilitiesinTrace -- Device Caps = 11 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=8, capACount=1, capBCount=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::getResourcesAllocated -- match1=1 match2=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::getResourcesAllocated -- DeviceName=MTP002290888461 Ci=40326362 ResourceAllocated=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::handleMtpDeviceFound| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::logResourceStatusinTrace -- Device Name=MTP002290888461 ResourceAvailable=50 ResourceUsed=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::handleMtpDeviceFound ConversationId=37949863 CI=40326362 Allocated resource=1 Device Capability = 1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::incActiveCounter Count=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::decAvailableCounter Count=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401)::logResourceStatusinTrace -- Device Name=MTP002290888461 ResourceAvailable=49 ResourceUsed=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::resource_rsvp_AllocateMtpResourceRes CI=40326362, DeviceCapability=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmAllocateMtpResourceRes - CI=40326362, deviceName=MTP002290888461, deviceCap=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MRM::updateMtpCounter MTP002290888461| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MRM::updateMtpCounter MRL allocateCounter=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MRM::updateMtpCounter MRL allocateCounter=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.345 CCM|MRM::updateMtpCounter MRL allocateCounter=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.346 CCM|MRM::updateXcodeCounter MTP002290888461| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.346 CCM|MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmChildStopInd| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.346 CCM|MediaResourceCdpc(773683)::shutting_down_MrmChildStopConf| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.346 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::star_MediaExchangeAgenaOpenLogicalChannel - PartyId = 37368128| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.346 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl - fillAudioPartyIDtoMediaPidTable PartyId = 37368128, CLCRecd=0, StopTlkRecd=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.346 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::star_StationOutputOpenReceiveChannel TCPPid = [] myIP: 2064640a ( ConferenceID: 37949863, MediaPartyId: 37368128, msecPacketSize: 20 compressionType: 11| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.346 CCM|H245ASN - TtPid=(2,100,14,2510473) -Outgoing -value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= command : endSessionCommand : disconnect : NULL| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.347 CCM|H245ASN - TtPid=(2,100,14,2510473) -Incoming -value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= command : endSessionCommand : disconnect : NULL| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.348 CCM|MediaManager(6171730)::wait_AuDisconnectReply, CI(40326314,40326317), disconnType(1), stopStreamingReason(%) DTMFMethod(0 1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.348 CCM|MediaManager(6171730)::wait_AuDisconnectReply, recv all disconn replies, forward reply for party(40326317,40326314) mcNodeId(0,0) mrid(0 0) capcounts(2 0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.348 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_AuDisconnectReply - removing MediaManager(6171730) from connection list| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.348 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_AuDisconnectReply,MMList=23,1/2List=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.348 CCM|ConnectionManager - wait_AuDisconnectReply(40326317,40326314),disconnectType(1),IFHandling(0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.348 CCM|ConnectionManager - deleteMediaInfoEntry(40326317): ENTRY DELETED, size=50| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.348 CCM|ConnectionManager - deleteMediaInfoEntry(40326314): ENTRY DELETED, size=49| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.348 CCM|Cdcc - (6039981) - resetMediaSecurity| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM| H225Cdpc::active10_CcDisconnReq - ccDisconnReq.s.sv = 0 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM|{ h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 5 }, callIdentifier { guid '4A6722AC314D11E2B3F9D0B519A7C37B'H } }, h245Tunneling FALSE }| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM| | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM|Out Message -- H225ReleaseCompleteMsg -- Protocol= H225Protocol| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM|Ie - Q931CauseIe IEData= 08 02 82 90 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM|Ie - H225UserUserIe IEData= 7E 00 22 05 25 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 05 11 00 11 00 4A 67 22 AC 31 4D 11 E2 B3 F9 D0 B5 19 A7 C3 7B 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM|MMan_Id= 0. (iep= 0 dsl= 0 sapi= 0 ces= 0 IpAddr=1f64640a IpPort=23996)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.349 CCM|IsdnMsgData2= 08 02 DA 24 5A 08 02 82 90 7E 00 22 05 25 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 05 11 00 11 00 4A 67 22 AC 31 4D 11 E2 B3 F9 D0 B5 19 A7 C3 7B 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.352 CCM|Locations_releaseBandwidth -- cdccPID=(2.175.6039981) no entry.| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.352 CCM|Locations_broadcastSignalToAllActiveNodes -- broadcast location table update to all active nodes: remote node=1.| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.352 CCM|ForwardManager - wait_SsDataInd - Key= 0x0, party= 40326314, BCC= 7| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.352 CCM|ForwardManager - findCallBySsParty - Found entry for party= 40326314, callkey= 0x2504E0 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|ForwardManager - findInterceptTableEntry(ssKey) - Found Intercept table entry for dn= 8800:, InterceptKey= 0x64,0x64| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM| | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|In Message -- H225ReleaseCompleteMsg -- Protocol= H225Protocol| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|Ie - Q931CauseIe -- IEData= 08 02 82 90 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|Ie - H225UserUserIe -- IEData= 7E 00 22 05 25 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 11 00 11 00 4A 67 22 AC 31 4D 11 E2 B3 F9 D0 B5 19 A7 C3 7B 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|MMan_Id= 0. (iep= 0 dsl= 0 sapi= 0 ces= 0 IpAddr=1f64640a IpPort=23996)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|IsdnMsgData1= 08 02 5A 24 5A 08 02 82 90 7E 00 22 05 25 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 11 00 11 00 4A 67 22 AC 31 4D 11 E2 B3 F9 D0 B5 19 A7 C3 7B 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|Forwarding - awaitingCallResponse_SsDataInd - BASIC_CALL_RELEASE - Stopping Forwarding on origination Release. party= 40326314, callKey= 0x2504E0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|{ h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }, callIdentifier { guid '4A6722AC314D11E2B3F9D0B519A7C37B'H } }, h245Tunneling FALSE }| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.353 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.354 CCM|ForwardManager - wait_ForwardStopInd - Stop Forwarding - Pid=(2,164,2426080), forwardKey= 0x64, callkey= 0x2504E0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.354 CCM|ForwardManager - removeActiveCallTableEntry - mInterceptKeyToActiveCallIndexMap - Removed entry forwardKey= 0x64, callkey= 0x2504E0 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.354 CCM|ForwardManager - removeActiveCallTableEntry - mPartyToActiveCallIndexMap - Removed entry Origparty= 40326314, callkey= 0x2504E0 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.354 CCM|ForwardManager - removeActiveCallTableEntry - mForwardActiveCallTable - Removed call entry for Origparty= 40326314, Destparty= 0, callkey= 0x2504E0 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.354 CCM|ForwardManager - findInterceptTableEntry(ssKey) - Found Intercept table entry for dn= 8800:, InterceptKey= 0x64,0x64| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.354 CCM|TranslateAndTransport(2510473)::wait_SdlCloseInd - ERROR: H245 signaling connection aborted!!!| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.354 CCM|Forwarding - awaitingStopConfirmation_ForwardStopConf - callKey= 0x2504E0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.354 CCM|Forwarding - unregisterRelRejInterceptRequest - callKey= 0x2504E0| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.355 CCM|StationInit: (0863401) OpenReceiveChannelAck Status=0, IpAddr=0x2064640a, Port=19316, PartyID=37368128| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.355 CCM|H225Cdpc::handleCcSetupReq(2651082, 40326361): H225Setup sent to IP=| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.355 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - updateDchanCrp - secure capability on side 1 is (1,1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|value H323-UU-NonStdInfo ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|{ callMgrParam { interclusterVersion 3, enterpriseID ''H }| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|fastStart 0 OpenLogicalChannel| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|value FastStartOLC ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1, forwardLogicalChannelParameters { dataType audioData : g729 : 2, multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters : { sessionID 1, mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : { network '0A646420'H, tsapIdentifier 19317 } } }| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|fastStart 1 OpenLogicalChannel| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.356 CCM|value FastStartOLC ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.357 CCM|{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber 65535, forwardLogicalChannelParameters { dataType nullData : NULL, multiplexParameters none : NULL }, reverseLogicalChannelParameters { dataType audioData : g729 : 2, multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters : { sessionID 1, mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : { network '0A646420'H, tsapIdentifier 19316 }, mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : { network '0A646420'H, tsapIdentifier 19317 } } }| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.357 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.357 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.358 CCM|SPROCRas - { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body setup : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 5 }, sourceAddress { h323-ID : {"Abebe Amare", {0, 0, 0, 0}, ...} }, sourceInfo { vendor { vendor { t35CountryCode 181, t35Extension 0, manufacturerCode 18 }, productId '436973636F43616C6C4D616E61676572'H, versionId '31'H }, terminal { }, mc FALSE, undefinedNode FALSE }, destinationAddress { dialedDigits : "200" }, activeMC FALSE, conferenceID '009259899DD8910A020048020A646646'H, conferenceGoal create : NULL, callType pointToPoint : NULL, sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A64640C'H, port 1720 }, callIdentifier { | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|guid '009259899DD8910A020048020A646646'H }, fastStart { '0000000D4001800A040001000A6464204B ...'H, '40FFFE060401004D40018011140001000A ...'H }, mediaWaitForConnect FALSE, canOverlapSend FALSE, multipleCalls FALSE, maintainConnection FALSE }, h245Tunneling FALSE, nonStandardControl { { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181, t35Extension 0, manufacturerCode 18 }, data '81A400000400010300'H } } }| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM| | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|Out Message -- H225SetupMsg -- Protocol= H225Protocol| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|Ie - H225BearerCapabilityIe IEData= 04 03 80 90 A2 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|Ie - Q931DisplayIe IEData= 28 0B 41 62 65 62 65 20 41 6D 61 72 65 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|Ie - H225CallingPartyIe IEData= 6C 06 00 81 32 32 30 33 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|Ie - Q931CalledPartyIe IEData= 70 04 80 32 30 30 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|Ie - H225UserUserIe IEData= 7E 00 EB 05 20 B0 06 00 08 91 4A 00 05 01 40 1F 00 41 00 62 00 65 00 62 00 65 00 20 00 41 00 6D 00 61 00 72 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 C0 B5 00 00 12 0F 43 69 73 63 6F 43 61 6C 6C 4D 61 6E 61 67 65 72 00 31 00 01 01 00 53 30 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 00 D5 1D 80 00 07 00 0A 64 64 0C 06 B8 11 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 32 02 12 00 00 00 0D 40 01 80 0A 04 00 01 00 0A 64 64 20 4B 75 1D 40 FF FE 06 04 01 00 4D 40 01 80 11 14 00 01 00 0A 64 64 20 4B 74 00 0A 64 64 20 4B 75 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 10 A0 01 00 10 01 40 B5 00 00 12 09 81 A4 00 00 04 00 01 03 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.359 CCM|MMan_Id= 0. (iep= 0 dsl= 0 sapi= 0 ces= 0 IpAddr=164a8c0 IpPort=1720)| 11/19/2012 09:58:37.360 CCM|IsdnMsgData2= 08 02 00 02 05 04 03 80 90 A2 28 0B 41 62 65 62 65 20 41 6D 61 72 65 6C 06 00 81 32 32 30 33 70 04 80 32 30 30 7E 00 EB 05 20 B0 06 00 08 91 4A 00 05 01 40 1F 00 41 00 62 00 65 00 62 00 65 00 20 00 41 00 6D 00 61 00 72 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 C0 B5 00 00 12 0F 43 69 73 63 6F 43 61 6C 6C 4D 61 6E 61 67 65 72 00 31 00 01 01 00 53 30 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 00 D5 1D 80 00 07 00 0A 64 64 0C 06 B8 11 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 32 02 12 00 00 00 0D 40 01 80 0A 04 00 01 00 0A 64 64 20 4B 75 1D 40 FF FE 06 04 01 00 4D 40 01 80 11 14 00 01 00 0A 64 64 20 4B 74 00 0A 64 64 20 4B 75 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 10 A0 01 00 10 01 40 B5 00 00 12 09 81 A4 00 00 04 00 01 03 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:37.433 CCM|CiCcp table has 57 entries| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.018 CCM| | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.018 CCM|In Message -- H225CallProceedingMsg -- Protocol= H225Protocol| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.018 CCM|Ie - H225UserUserIe -- IEData= 7E 00 6E 05 21 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 28 00 B5 00 00 12 40 01 3C 05 01 00 04 47 00 11 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 3A 02 19 00 00 00 0D 40 01 80 11 14 00 01 00 C0 A8 64 01 41 5E 00 C0 A8 64 01 41 5F 1E 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4D 40 01 80 12 15 00 01 00 0A 64 64 20 4B 74 00 C0 A8 64 01 41 5F 00 01 00 01 00 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.018 CCM|MMan_Id= 0. (iep= 0 dsl= 0 sapi= 0 ces= 0 IpAddr=164a8c0 IpPort=1720)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.018 CCM|IsdnMsgData1= 08 02 80 02 02 7E 00 6E 05 21 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 28 00 B5 00 00 12 40 01 3C 05 01 00 04 47 00 11 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 3A 02 19 00 00 00 0D 40 01 80 11 14 00 01 00 C0 A8 64 01 41 5E 00 C0 A8 64 01 41 5F 1E 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4D 40 01 80 12 15 00 01 00 0A 64 64 20 4B 74 00 C0 A8 64 01 41 5F 00 01 00 01 00 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.018 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.020 CCM|{ h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body callProceeding : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }, destinationInfo { vendor { vendor { t35CountryCode 181, t35Extension 0, manufacturerCode 18 } }, gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { } } } }, mc FALSE, undefinedNode FALSE }, callIdentifier { guid '009259899DD8910A020048020A646646'H }, fastStart { '0000000D4001801114000100C0A8640141 ...'H, '400000060401004D40018012150001000A ...'H }, multipleCalls FALSE, maintainConnection FALSE }, h245Tunneling FALSE }| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.020 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.020 CCM|fastStart 0 OpenLogicalChannel| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.020 CCM|value FastStartOLC ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.020 CCM|{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1, forwardLogicalChannelParameters { dataType audioData : g729 : 2, multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters : { sessionID 1, mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : { network 'C0A86401'H, tsapIdentifier 16734 }, mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : { network 'C0A86401'H, tsapIdentifier 16735 } } }| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.020 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.020 CCM|fastStart 1 OpenLogicalChannel| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.020 CCM|value FastStartOLC ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1, forwardLogicalChannelParameters { dataType nullData : NULL, multiplexParameters none : NULL }, reverseLogicalChannelParameters { dataType audioData : g729 : 2, multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters : { sessionID 1, mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : { network '0A646420'H, tsapIdentifier 19316 }, mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : { network 'C0A86401'H, tsapIdentifier 16735 }, silenceSuppression FALSE } }| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM| | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|In Message -- H225AlertMsg -- Protocol= H225Protocol| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|Ie - Q931DisplayIe -- IEData= 28 0D 48 75 73 73 65 69 6E 20 52 69 66 61 69 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|Ie - Q931SignalIe -- IEData= 34 01 01 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|H225Cdpc::getOutboundFastStartInfo(2651082, 40326361): FastStartInfo: Outbound FastStart Accepted| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|Ie - H225UserUserIe -- IEData= 7E 00 33 05 23 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 28 00 B5 00 00 12 40 01 3C 05 01 00 06 C3 00 11 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 01 00 01 00 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|MMan_Id= 0. (iep= 0 dsl= 0 sapi= 0 ces= 0 IpAddr=164a8c0 IpPort=1720)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|IsdnMsgData1= 08 02 80 02 01 28 0D 48 75 73 73 65 69 6E 20 52 69 66 61 69 34 01 01 7E 00 33 05 23 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 28 00 B5 00 00 12 40 01 3C 05 01 00 06 C3 00 11 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 01 00 01 00 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.021 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - updateDchanCrp - secure capability on side 1 is (1,1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|{ h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body alerting : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }, destinationInfo { vendor { vendor { t35CountryCode 181, t35Extension 0, manufacturerCode 18 } }, gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { } } } }, mc FALSE, undefinedNode FALSE }, callIdentifier { guid '009259899DD8910A020048020A646646'H }, multipleCalls FALSE, maintainConnection FALSE }, h245Tunneling FALSE }| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM| | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|In Message -- H225NotifyMsg -- Protocol= H225Protocol| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|Ie - Q931NotificationIndicatorIe -- IEData= 27 01 F1 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|H225Cdpc::updateDisplayNameFromQ931DisplayIE(2651082, 40326361): INFO: fQ931Display=Hussein Rifai, AsciiDisplayName=Hussein Rifai| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|Ie - Q931DisplayIe -- IEData= 28 0D 48 75 73 73 65 69 6E 20 52 69 66 61 69 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.022 CCM|Ie - Q931ConnectedNumIe -- IEData= 4C 05 00 00 32 30 30 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|Ie - H225UserUserIe -- IEData= 7E 00 21 05 28 50 19 00 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|MMan_Id= 0. (iep= 0 dsl= 0 sapi= 0 ces= 0 IpAddr=164a8c0 IpPort=1720)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|IsdnMsgData1= 08 02 80 02 6E 27 01 F1 28 0D 48 75 73 73 65 69 6E 20 52 69 66 61 69 4C 05 00 00 32 30 30 7E 00 21 05 28 50 19 00 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|{ h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body notify : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }, callIdentifier { guid '009259899DD8910A020048020A646646'H } }, h245Tunneling FALSE }| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.023 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.024 CCM|RouteListCdrc::stopRerouting| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.024 CCM|RouteListCdrc::lockOntoDevice| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.024 CCM|RouteListCdrc::stopRerouting| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.024 CCM|H225Cdpc::updateDisplayNameFromQ931DisplayIE(2651082, 40326361): INFO: fQ931Display=Hussein Rifai, AsciiDisplayName=Hussein Rifai| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.024 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - updateDchanCrp - secure capability on side 1 is (1,1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - updateDchanCrp - secure capability on side 1 is (1,1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|RouteListControl::createCiAndBranch ci=0x26754d9 shiftBranch=0x0 brCi=0x26754d9 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - updateDchanCrp - secure capability on side 1 is (1,1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.025 CCM|processCCMFeatureData: operationIeIdd=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.026 CCM|ConnectionManager - wait_AuConnectRequest(40326360,40326361)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.026 CCM|ConnectionManager - storeMediaInfo(40326360): ADD NEW ENTRY, size=50| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.026 CCM|ConnectionManager - storeMediaInfo(40326361): ADD NEW ENTRY, size=51| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.026 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.026 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - updateDchanCrp - secure capability on side 1 is (1,1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.026 CCM|Cdcc - (6040004) - dumpSecureStatus - sideA=(cap=1,1, media=0,0, feature=0,0), sideB=(cap=1,1 media=0,0, feature=0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.026 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_AuConnectRequest()| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_AuConnectRequest - new MediaManager(141,6171752) started| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::wait_AuConnectRequest, CI(40326360,40326361), mcNodeId(0,0), xferMode(4,13), reConnectType(0), mrid (0, 40326362) IFCreated(0 0) proIns(0 0), AC(0,1) party1DTMF(1 3 0 0) party2DTMF(1 4 0 1),reConnFlag=0, connType(3,3), IFHand(0,0),MTP(0,1),MRGL(MRG_PUB:MRG_SUB1,MRG_MDC) videoCap(0 0), FS(0,2), aPid(2, 66, 43167), bPid(2, 160, 2651082)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::waitRSVPInfoRes_RSVPInfoRes, rsvp=0, aE2ERegion(8) deviceAcaps(0) deviceBCaps(0),noVideoResv(0), mm(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::mapVideoCallToMMCallType, policy=0, hasRSVP=0, videoCap=0,dataCap=0, mmCall=1, V region(e2e=384, 1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmGetPreAllocatedResourceReq| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaResourceManager::waiting_MrmGetPreAllocatedResourceReq - Found resource in MTPControl list for ci=40326362| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::handlePreAllocatedConnection, callids(40326361 40326362)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::buildMtpXcoderAllocList, savedConnectionCount=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::prepareConnectionsWithOneSavedConnection, CI(40326361,40326362)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::doesSavedConnectionSupportAnyDTMFCapability, mtpSupportsDTMF(1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::isMTPNeededForDTMF, both parties are non-SIP and we'll do OOB for DTMF| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::prepareConnectionsWithOneSavedConnectionWithParty2, capCount(8,1), savedConnectReqMsg.party2.capCount=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::preCheckCapabilities, region1=Default, region2=Default, capCount1=2, capCount2=8| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:Default| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=64, capACount=2, capBCount=8| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.027 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::prepareConnectionsWithOneSavedConnectionWithParty2, savedConnRes=MTP,xcoderReqd=0 xcodingSide=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::handleAuConnectRequest, connCount=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::allocateProxies, j=0 XferMode(13 10) CI(40326361 40326362) mrid(40326362 40326362) resrcCI(0 0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::allocateProxies, j=1 XferMode(4 0) CI(40326360 0) mrid(0 0) resrcCI(0 0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::allocateProxies, no new resource allocation, connCount=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::allocateProxies, assign null party A info with previous party B info| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::setMTPDTMFinfo, DTMF unknown ot-supported by oneoth party| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::setMTPDTMFinfo, DTMF unknown ot-supported by oneoth party| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::getAllow2833FortheCall, 2833 is not allowed for the call| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::CreateConnections, mmCallType=1,aPT=2,vPT=2,capEnd2End=0, e2eRegion(8,384)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::createConnections, creat connection between party1(40326361) and party2(40326362), newConnCount=1 mrid(40326362 40326362), xferMode(13,10), farEnd(4,0, T38=0,FS=0,mediaReq=0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::createConnections, creat connection between party1(40326360) and party2(40326362), newConnCount=2 mrid(0 0), xferMode(4,10), farEnd(13,1, T38=0,FS=2,mediaReq=1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_MediaCoordinatorAddResource - CI=40326362 count=1 mrmNodeId=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_MediaCoordinatorAddResource - CI=40326362 count=2 mrmNodeId=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::wait_AuConnectRequest, party1(CI=40326361, MXIFHandling=0, MTPRequired=1,xferMode=13), party2(CI=40326362, MXIFHandling=0,xferMode=10), farEnd(XferMode=4,AC=0,T38=0,FS=0,mediaReq=0), PT(2,2),connType(3,3), linkLoss=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::addPartyAandPartyB, party1:xferMode=13, party2:xferMode=10| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::addPartyAandPartyB, videoCall(0), normalStart(0), audioRegion(8), videoRegion(384), party1VidCapable(1), party2VidCapable(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.028 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::addPartyAandPartyB, party1iport(0 0),party2ipport(0 0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|AgenaInterface(0)::allow2833(0), audioPartyId=37368128, mrid=40326362, connType(3 3 3)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::wait_AuConnectRequest, party1(CI=40326360, MXIFHandling=0, MTPRequired=0,xferMode=4), party2(CI=40326362, MXIFHandling=0,xferMode=10), farEnd(XferMode=13,AC=1,T38=0,FS=2,mediaReq=1), PT(2,2),connType(3,3), linkLoss=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::addPartyAandPartyB, party1:xferMode=4, party2:xferMode=10| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:Default| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:Default| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:Default| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:Default| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::addPartyAandPartyB, videoCall(0), normalStart(0), audioRegion(64), videoRegion(384), party1VidCapable(0), party2VidCapable(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|AgenaInterface(0)::allow2833(0), audioPartyId=0, mrid=0, connType(3 3 3)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::addPartyAandPartyB, party1iport(1181115402 0),party2ipport(0 0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|AgenaInterface(0)::allow2833(0), audioPartyId=0, mrid=0, connType(3 3 3)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|ProcessH245Interface(0) created with ip = 0 and port = 0, peerXferMode=10, farEndXferMode=4, hasRSVP=0, farEndSupportT38=0, farEndMediaReq=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|ProcessH245Interface(0)::ShouldPassThruMSD, myActiveCapMode=1,peerActiveCapMode=0, passThruMSD=0, mFastStartInd=2, mPeerFastStartInd=0, mFsSessionEstablished=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.029 CCM|H245Interface::H245Interface: H323-2833 Supported Method=4, rfc2833PayLoad=0,allow2833=0 peerDTMFMethod=3, peerRFC2833Payload=0, ras=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.030 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::start_Transition, networkFlag=13, mIsSRTPAllowed=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.030 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401) - MediaExchangeAgenaAssociateReq confId=37949863 inserted AIF(3679682,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.030 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl(863401) - MediaExchangeAgenaAssociateReq confId=37949863 inserted AIF(3679682,3679684)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.030 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.030 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::canForwardCapsToOtherEnd, activeCapEnabled(1, 0), canForwardCapsToOtherEnd=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.030 CCM|AgenaInterface(4)::CopyUpdateCaps, supportsRFC2429(0) mPayloadsupported(0 0) customPictureFormatCount(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::wait_AuConnectReply| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|AgenaInterface(4)::CopyUpdateCaps, supportsRFC2429(0) mPayloadsupported(0 0) customPictureFormatCount(86940876)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::wait_AuConnectReply| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::checkPartyMTPRequired, mcNodeId=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|MediaManager(6171752)::wait_AuConnectReply, received 2 resps, sent AuConnecReply for party(40326360,40326361), mrid(0 40326362),IFCreated(1,1),reply.dsc(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::peerOrFarEndCapReceived, isMTP=1,capR=1,farEndCapR=0,PT(2,2), bR=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=8, capACount=1, capBCount=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::proceedToOLC, xferMode=10,ac=1,msd=0,bCont=1, isPeerSIPAndMeMTPAndPT=0,bRet=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::openOutgoingAudioChannel, audioRegion=8, videoRegion=384, mVideoCall=0 allowOWM=0 ConnType=3| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|shouldInitiateOLC(1) AllowOneWayMedia(0) ConnType(3 3 3)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=8, capACount=1, capBCount=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|areCryptoCapsMatched: capCount=1 caps= b | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|AgenaInterface() - openChannel,lcn=1, partyid=0, channelDir=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|AgenaInterface() - mapChannelToPartyId,lcn=1, partyid=0, channelDir=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::openOutgoingChannels, can't open video. videoCall(0,1,0),vPT(2),capCount(0,1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:MDC-Lebanon| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::canForwardCapsToOtherEnd, activeCapEnabled(1, 0), canForwardCapsToOtherEnd=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::finishCapExchange, capFromTwoIFs=1,capFromFarEnd=0,aPT=2,vPT=2,capE2E=0,capDone=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::handleInterfaceVisited, returned finishCapExchange| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::handleInterfaceVisited, allowReConnect(1) partyAHasCapsorACE(1)partybHasCapsorACE (1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.031 CCM|AgenaInterface(4)::CopyUpdateCaps, supportsRFC2429(0) mPayloadsupported(0 0) customPictureFormatCount(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:Default| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::canForwardCapsToOtherEnd, activeCapEnabled(0, 0), canForwardCapsToOtherEnd=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|MediaCoordinator - wait_AuConnectReply| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::proceed, activeCap=1, myCapRcvd=0, farEndCapRecd=0, peerCapRecd=1, cont=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=8, capACount=2, capBCount=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::handleFastStartOLC, fastStart_MediaExchangeCapabilitiesIncoming, GSM EFR UseOldGWBytesForGSMConversion 0 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|RegionsServer - createRegionMapKey =Default:Default| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::canForwardCapsToOtherEnd, activeCapEnabled(0, 0), canForwardCapsToOtherEnd=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::finishCapExchange, capFromTwoIFs=1,capFromFarEnd=0,aPT=2,vPT=2,capE2E=0,capDone=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::handleInterfaceVisited, returned finishCapExchange| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|MediaExchange(6202426)::handleInterfaceVisited, allowReConnect(1) partyAHasCapsorACE(1)partybHasCapsorACE (1)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::peerOrFarEndCapReceived, isMTP=0,capR=1,farEndCapR=0,PT(2,2), bR=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=64, capACount=2, capBCount=8| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::proceedToOLC, xferMode=4,ac=0,msd=0,bCont=1, isPeerSIPAndMeMTPAndPT=0,bRet=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::openOutgoingAudioChannel, audioRegion=64, videoRegion=384, mVideoCall=0 allowOWM=0 ConnType=3| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|shouldInitiateOLC(1) AllowOneWayMedia(0) ConnType(3 3 3)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=64, capACount=1, capBCount=8| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.032 CCM|areCryptoCapsMatched: capCount=1 caps= b | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface() - openChannel,lcn=1, partyid=0, channelDir=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface() - mapChannelToPartyId,lcn=1, partyid=0, channelDir=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::openOutgoingChannels, can't open video. videoCall(0,1,0),vPT(2),capCount(0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|ConnectionManager - wait_AuConnectReply(40326360,40326361)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::fastStart_MediaExchangeOpenLogicalChannelIncoming, OLC Outgoing sent to MX: PeerRtpIp = 164a8c0, PeerRtpPort = 16734| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::peerOrFarEndCapReceived, isMTP=1,capR=1,farEndCapR=0,PT(2,2), bR=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=64, capACount=8, capBCount=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::proceedToOLC, xferMode=10,ac=0,msd=0,bCont=1, isPeerSIPAndMeMTPAndPT=0,bRet=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::openOutgoingAudioChannel, audioRegion=64, videoRegion=384, mVideoCall=0 allowOWM=0 ConnType=3| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|shouldInitiateOLC(1) AllowOneWayMedia(0) ConnType(3 3 3)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|RegionsServer::MatchCapabilities -- kbps=64, capACount=1, capBCount=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|areCryptoCapsMatched: capCount=1 caps= b | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface() - openChannel,lcn=1, partyid=0, channelDir=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface() - mapChannelToPartyId,lcn=1, partyid=0, channelDir=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::openOutgoingChannels, can't open video. videoCall(0,1,0),vPT(2),capCount(0,0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|allowIncomingOLCTowardsDevice mAllowOneWayMedia(0) ccCallConnType(3) peerCCCallConntype(3) ignoreSDP(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface() - openChannel,lcn=1, partyid=37368128, channelDir=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface() - mapChannelToPartyId,lcn=1, partyid=37368128, channelDir=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::handleDTMFSubscribe, subscribe(0) rfc2833PT(0), passThru2833(0) | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.033 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::sendAudioMXConnectInfoIndToParent, sdpMode(0,1), iaAns(0), connType(3)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|areCryptoCapsMatched: capCount=1 caps= b | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::sendAudioMXConnectInfoToParent, Sending audioMXConnectInfo, mIsSRTP=0, idx=-1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|allowIncomingOLCTowardsDevice mAllowOneWayMedia(0) ccCallConnType(3) peerCCCallConntype(3) ignoreSDP(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::getPartyIdForAgena, numofportopened=0, mediaType=1, fcodec=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|AgenaInterface() - openChannel,lcn=1, partyid=37368129, channelDir=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|AgenaInterface() - mapChannelToPartyId,lcn=1, partyid=37368129, channelDir=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::getPartyIdForAgena, numofportopened=0, mediaType=1, fcodec=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::sessionEstablished_MediaExchangeInterfacePathEstablished, mediaType=1, aPT=2, vPT=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|peerCMClusterSupportActiveCaps, peerXferMode=13, peerCMCloudH245ICTVersion=0, peerCMClusterSupportActiveCaps=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|AgenaInterface() - mapChannelToPartyId,lcn=1, partyid=37368128, channelDir=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.034 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679682)::SendStartTalkingForNonMultiCastConnection, partyid=37368128, lcn=1 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAuConnectInfoIndMsg, noMediaInfo=0, resType=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAudioMediaInfo, partyIdx=0, xferMode=13, codec=11, maxFramesPerPacket=20i, audioSRTP=0, videoSRTP=0, dataAppSRTP=0, mediaSecurity=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAddressInfo, idx=1, addr=2064640a,port=19316| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAudioMediaInfo, partyIdx=1, xferMode=10, codec=11, maxFramesPerPacket=20i, audioSRTP=0, videoSRTP=0, dataAppSRTP=0, mediaSecurity=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAddressInfo, idx=0, addr=164a8c0,port=16734| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAuConnectInfoIndMsg, noMediaInfo=0, resType=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAudioMediaInfo, partyIdx=0, xferMode=13, codec=11, maxFramesPerPacket=20i, audioSRTP=0, videoSRTP=0, dataAppSRTP=0, mediaSecurity=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAddressInfo, idx=1, addr=2064640a,port=19316| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAudioMediaInfo, partyIdx=1, xferMode=10, codec=11, maxFramesPerPacket=20i, audioSRTP=0, videoSRTP=0, dataAppSRTP=0, mediaSecurity=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaExchange(6202425)::fillAddressInfo, idx=0, addr=0,port=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|allowIncomingOLCTowardsDevice mAllowOneWayMedia(0) ccCallConnType(3) peerCCCallConntype(3) ignoreSDP(0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::getPartyIdForAgena, numofportopened=0, mediaType=1, fcodec=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|AgenaInterface() - openChannel,lcn=1, partyid=37368130, channelDir=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|AgenaInterface() - mapChannelToPartyId,lcn=1, partyid=37368130, channelDir=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::star_MediaExchangeAgenaOpenLogicalChannel - PartyId = 37368129| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl - fillAudioPartyIDtoMediaPidTable PartyId = 37368129, CLCRecd=0, StopTlkRecd=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.035 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl - MXAgenaOpenLogicalChannel confernceId=37949863 inserted AgenaInstance=3679684| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.036 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::star_MediaExchangeStartTalking - CI=37949863, DSCPValue = 184| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.036 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl - fillAudioPartyIDtoMediaPidTable PartyId = 37368128, CLCRecd=0, StopTlkRecd=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.036 CCM|MohDControl::star_MediaExchangeStartTalking need to send SMTAck.| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.036 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl - star_MediaExchangeStartTalking confernceId=37949863 inserted AgenaInstance=3679682| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.036 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::fastStart_MediaExchangeInterfacePathEstablished, Outbound FastStart (H245Server session)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.036 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::fastStart_MediaExchangeInterfacePathEstablished, CreateSessionManager getPktCaptureContext() =| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.036 CCM|ProcessH245SM - start_Transition before creating TranslateAndTransport mPktCaptureContext =| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.037 CCM|StationD: (0043167) SEP002290032C10 , star_MediaExchangeAgenaOpenLogicalChannel packetSize=20, codec=11, ci=40326360| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.037 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::star_StationOutputOpenReceiveChannel TCPPid = [] myIP: 2064640a ( ConferenceID: 37949863, MediaPartyId: 37368129, msecPacketSize: 20 compressionType: 11| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.037 CCM|LineCdpc(5636570): -dispatchToAllDevices-, sigName=CcAlertReq, device=SEP002290032C10| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.037 CCM|LineCdpc(5636570): -dispatchToAllDevices-, sigName=CcNotifyReq, device=SEP002290032C10| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.037 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl - stationOutputStartMediaTransmission TCPPid = [] myIP: 2064640a (| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.037 CCM|MediaTerminationPointControl::star_StationOutputStartMediaTransmission - ConferenceID: 37949863, MediaPartyId: 37368128, RemoteIpAddr: 164a8c0 ( RemoteRtpPortNumber: 16734 msecPacketSize: 20 compressionType: 11| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.037 CCM|TranslateAndTransport(2510482)::wait_TtDefineProcesses - sending H245ListenReq to H245Handler| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.038 CCM|StationD: (0043167) StopTone.| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.038 CCM|StationD::star_StationOutputOpenReceiveChannel myCi=40326360 keylen=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.038 CCM|StationD: (0043167) OpenReceiveChannel conferenceID=40326360 passThruPartyID=37368130 millisecondPacketSize=20 compressionType=11(Media_Payload_G729) RFC2833PayloadType=0 qualifierIn=?. myIP: 4666640a (| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.038 CCM|star_CcNotifyReq - bmask=0x80800000.| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.039 CCM|StationD: (0043167) CallState callState=3 lineInstance=1 callReference=40326360 privacy=0 precedenceLv=4 precedenceDm=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.039 CCM|StationD: (0043167) SelectSoftKeys instance=1 reference=40326360 softKeySetIndex=8 validKeyMask=ffffffff.| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.039 CCM|StationD: (0043167) DisplayPromptStatus timeOut=0 Status='€' content='Ring Out' line=1 CI=40326360 ver=85720011.| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.039 CCM|StationD: (0043167) (2,100,7,6058449) CallInfo callingPartyName='Abebe Amare' callingParty=2203 cgpnVoiceMailbox=2203 calledPartyName='Hussein Rifai' calledParty=88200 cdpnVoiceMailbox=8200 originalCalledPartyName='Hussein Rifai' originalCalledParty=88200 originalCdpnVoiceMailbox=8200 originalCdpnRedirectReason=0 lastRedirectingPartyName='' lastRedirectingParty=88200 lastRedirectingVoiceMailbox=8200 lastRedirectingReason=0 callType=2(OutBound) lineInstance=1 callReference=40326360. version: 85720011| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.039 CCM|StationD: (0043167) DEBUG- star_DSetCallState(7) State of cdpc(5640870) is 6.| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.039 CCM|StationD: (0043167) (2,100,7,6058449) CallInfo callingPartyName='Abebe Amare' callingParty=2203 cgpnVoiceMailbox=2203 calledPartyName='Hussein Rifai' calledParty=200 cdpnVoiceMailbox=8200 originalCalledPartyName='' originalCalledParty=88200 originalCdpnVoiceMailbox=8200 originalCdpnRedirectReason=0 lastRedirectingPartyName='' lastRedirectingParty=88200 lastRedirectingVoiceMailbox=8200 lastRedirectingReason=0 callType=2(OutBound) lineInstance=1 callReference=40326360. version: 85720011| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.040 CCM|Listener is active for :50323| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.040 CCM|TranslateAndTransport(2510482)::waitForSdlRsp_H245ListenRsp - received H245ListenRsp from H245Handler| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.040 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::fastStart_H245TransportAddress, Outbound FastStart - StartH245 Request Sent: TaIp = c64640a, TaPort = 50323| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.040 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::convertCapabilitiesToH245Capabilities, capCount=1, vidDataCount=0, cryptoCapCount=0.| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.040 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::convertCapabilitiesToH245Capabilities, T38-SIP-H323: check if T38 cap need to be inserted ....mMyCapReceived=0, isT38CapsIncluded=1, mActiveCaps=1, mNetworkingFlag=13, PeerXferMode=10, mFarEndXferMode=4, farEndSupportT38=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.040 CCM|H245Interface(2510533)::convertCapabilitiesToH245Capabilities, mIsSRTPAllowed=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.041 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.042 CCM|{ h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body facility : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 5 }, reason startH245 : NULL, callIdentifier { guid '009259899DD8910A020048020A646646'H }, h245Address ipAddress : { ip '0A64640C'H, port 50323 }, multipleCalls FALSE, maintainConnection FALSE, destinationInfo { vendor { vendor { t35CountryCode 181, t35Extension 0, manufacturerCode 18 }, productId '436973636F43616C6C4D616E61676572'H, versionId '31'H }, terminal { }, mc FALSE, undefinedNode FALSE } }, h245Tunneling FALSE }| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.042 CCM|}| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.042 CCM| | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.042 CCM|Out Message -- H225FacilityMsg -- Protocol= H225Protocol| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.042 CCM|Ie - H225UserUserIe IEData= 7E 00 4D 05 26 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 05 81 01 00 1F 05 84 11 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 07 00 0A 64 64 0C C4 93 01 00 01 00 1A 22 C0 B5 00 00 12 0F 43 69 73 63 6F 43 61 6C 6C 4D 61 6E 61 67 65 72 00 31 00 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.042 CCM|MMan_Id= 0. (iep= 0 dsl= 0 sapi= 0 ces= 0 IpAddr=164a8c0 IpPort=1720)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.042 CCM|IsdnMsgData2= 08 02 00 02 62 7E 00 4D 05 26 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 05 81 01 00 1F 05 84 11 00 00 92 59 89 9D D8 91 0A 02 00 48 02 0A 64 66 46 07 00 0A 64 64 0C C4 93 01 00 01 00 1A 22 C0 B5 00 00 12 0F 43 69 73 63 6F 43 61 6C 6C 4D 61 6E 61 67 65 72 00 31 00 10 80 01 00 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|StationInit: (0863401) OpenReceiveChannelAck Status=0, IpAddr=0x2064640a, Port=18526, PartyID=37368129| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::setDeviceOLCAckInfo, lcn=1, ip=2064640a, port=18526| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::sendOLCAcktoParent, lcn=1, ip=2064640a, port=18526, videoCall=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::get2833PayloadType, LCN(1) rfc2833PT (0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679684)::handleDTMFSubscribe, subscribe(0) rfc2833PT(0), passThru2833(0) | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::getPartyIdForAgena, numofportopened=0, mediaType=1, fcodec=0| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::sessionEstablished_MediaExchangeInterfacePathEstablished, mediaType=1, aPT=2, vPT=2| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface() - mapChannelToPartyId,lcn=1, partyid=37368130, channelDir=1| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::SendStartTalkingForNonMultiCastConnection, partyid=37368130, lcn=1 | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|AgenaInterface(3679683)::get2833PayloadType, LCN(1) rfc2833PT (0)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.044 CCM|StationD: (0043167) startMediaTransmission conferenceID=40326360 passThruPartyID=37368130 remoteIpAddress=2064640a( remotePortNumber=18526 milliSecondPacketSize=20 compressType=11(Media_Payload_G729) RFC2833PayloadType=0 qualifierOut=?. myIP: 4666640a (| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.145 CCM| | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.145 CCM|In Message -- H225ReleaseCompleteMsg -- Protocol= H225Protocol| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.145 CCM|Ie - Q931CauseIe -- IEData= 08 02 82 9F | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.145 CCM|Ie - H225UserUserIe -- IEData= 7E 00 80 05 25 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 11 00 11 00 5F 0F FE 48 31 4D 11 E2 B4 11 D0 B5 19 A7 C3 7B 10 A8 01 00 3A 01 40 B5 00 00 12 33 60 01 01 00 01 08 2C 08 02 80 9F 1C 26 9E 81 00 03 67 74 64 00 00 00 1B 52 45 4C 2C 0D 0A 50 52 4E 2C 69 73 64 6E 2A 2C 2C 4E 45 54 35 2A 2C 0D 0A 0D 0A 22 42 04 67 74 64 01 1B 52 45 4C 2C 0D 0A 50 52 4E 2C 69 73 64 6E 2A 2C 2C 4E 45 54 35 2A 2C 0D 0A 0D 0A | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.145 CCM|MMan_Id= 0. (iep= 0 dsl= 0 sapi= 0 ces= 0 IpAddr=1f64640a IpPort=33984)| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.145 CCM|IsdnMsgData1= 08 02 5A 2C 5A 08 02 82 9F 7E 00 80 05 25 80 06 00 08 91 4A 00 04 11 00 11 00 5F 0F FE 48 31 4D 11 E2 B4 11 D0 B5 19 A7 C3 7B 10 A8 01 00 3A 01 40 B5 00 00 12 33 60 01 01 00 01 08 2C 08 02 80 9F 1C 26 9E 81 00 03 67 74 64 00 00 00 1B 52 45 4C 2C 0D 0A 50 52 4E 2C 69 73 64 6E 2A 2C 2C 4E 45 54 35 2A 2C 0D 0A 0D 0A 22 42 04 67 74 64 01 1B 52 45 4C 2C 0D 0A 50 52 4E 2C 69 73 64 6E 2A 2C 2C 4E 45 54 35 2A 2C 0D 0A 0D 0A | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.145 CCM|TranslateAndTransport(2510481)::wait_SdlCloseInd - ERROR: H245 signaling connection aborted!!!| 11/19/2012 09:58:38.145 CCM|value H323-UserInformation ::= | 11/19/2012 09:58:38.146 CCM|{ h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }, callIdentifier { guid '5F0FFE48314D11E2B411D0B519A7C37B'H } }, h245Tunneling FALSE, nonStandardControl { { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181, t35Extension 0, manufacturerCode 18 }, data '6001010001082C0802809F1C269E810003 ...'H } }, tunnelledSignallingMessage { tunnelledProtocolID { id tunnelledProtocolAlternateID : { protocolType "gtd" } }, messageContent { '52454C2C0D0A50524E2C6973646E2A2C2C ...'H }, tunnellingRequired NULL } }|