<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000'>I'm trying to use the Port Usage Analyzer for Connection tool to see how many total ports we're using, however, I can only go back less than a month.<br><br>Anybody know what parameter on Connection I need to modify so that it keeps more data?<br><br>In the reports section I have the following set, but I'm not sure which one to modify.<br><br><font face="Courier New, courier, monaco, monospace, sans-serif">Maximum Events Allowed in Audit Log 100000<br>Enable Security Log CHECKED<br>Maximum Events Allowed in Security Log 100000<br>Minutes Between Data Collection Cycles 30<br>Days to Keep Data in Reports Database 90<br>Maximum Records in Report Output 25000<br>Minimum Records Needed to Display Progress Indicator 2500 <br>Reports database size... 80</font><br><span><br><span name="x"></span>---<br>Lelio Fulgenzi, B.A.<br>Senior Analyst (CCS) * University of Guelph * Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1<br>(519) 824-4120 x56354 (519) 767-1060 FAX (ANNU)<br>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<br>Cooking with unix is easy. You just sed it and forget it. <br> - LFJ (with apologies to Mr. Popeil)<br><span name="x"></span><br></span><br></div></body></html>