<div dir="ltr">
<div>Hey All, <br></div><div><br></div><div>We are attempting to lab out
a solution to remove all of the PRIs set up at our locations. Many of
these locations have older phone systems that do not directly support
SIP. (for example: Nortel 81c) Our solution is to create a NI-2 trunk
from the older phone systems to an ADTran and then a SIP connection from
the ADTran to our SIP Cubes and then to the Carrier via their SIP
trunk.</div><div><br></div><div>Our Current issue is that after creating
the NI-2 trunk and getting the D-Channel to establish we get the
following warning: 2019.06.19 11:37:06 TM.T02 0 WARNING Trunk has no
b-channels<br></div><div><br></div><div>When attempting a call out from
the Nortel to the ADTran and to the SIP CUBES we get: 11:40:09.425
TM.T02 0 Cannot accept calls - trunk being configured or trunk full</div><div><br></div><div>When
attempting a call in from the carrier through the SIP CUBES to the
ADTran we get: 11:42:07.676 TA.T02 Deliver event rejected, trunk out of
service</div><div><br></div><div>I am attaching our "Sanitized" config
at the bottom of this email and would appreciate any thoughts anyone
has. If anyone wants to see any debugs let me know as well.</div><div><br></div><div>Config starts here:</div><div><br></div><div>Building configuration...<br>!<br>!<br>! ADTRAN, Inc. OS version R11.10.7.HA.E<br>! Boot ROM version R10.9.3.B3<br>! Platform: Total Access 908e (3rd Gen), part number 4243908F1<br>! Serial number CFG1721218<br>!<br>!<br>hostname "atalab-voice01"<br><br>!<br>!<br>clock timezone -5<br>!<br>ip subnet-zero<br>ip classless<br>ip routing<br>ipv6 unicast-routing<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>auto-config<br>!<br>event-history on<br>no logging forwarding<br>no logging email<br>!<br>no service password-encryption<br>!<br>username <br>!<br>!<br>no ip firewall alg msn<br>no ip firewall alg mszone<br>no ip firewall alg h323<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>no dot11ap access-point-control<br>! <br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>ip crypto ffe<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>interface eth 0/1<br> no ip address<br> shutdown<br>!<br>!<br>interface eth 0/2<br> no ip address<br> shutdown<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>interface gigabit-eth 0/1<br> ip address x.x.x.x <br> media-gateway ip primary<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>interface t1 0/1<br> lbo short 255<br> fdl none<br> tdm-group 1 timeslots 1-24 speed 64<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>interface t1 0/2<br> tdm-group 1 timeslots 1-24 speed 64<br> shutdown<br>!<br>interface t1 0/3<br> tdm-group 1 timeslots 1-24 speed 64<br> shutdown<br>!<br>interface t1 0/4<br> tdm-group 1 timeslots 1-24 speed 64<br> shutdown<br>!<br>!<br>interface pri 1<br> role user<br> isdn name-delivery setup<br> connect t1 0/1 tdm-group 1<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>!<br>interface fxs 0/1<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>interface fxs 0/2<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>interface fxs 0/3<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>interface fxs 0/4<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>interface fxs 0/5<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>interface fxs 0/6<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>interface fxs 0/7<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>interface fxs 0/8<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>!<br>isdn-group 1<br> min-channels 1<br> max-channels 23<br> connect pri 1<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>ip route x.x.x.x<br>!<br>no tftp server<br>no tftp server overwrite<br>no http server<br>http secure-server<br>no snmp agent<br>no ip ftp server<br>no ip scp server<br>no ip sntp server<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>sip<br>sip udp 5060<br>no sip tcp<br>no sip tls<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>voice feature-mode network<br>voice forward-mode network<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>! <br>!<br>!<br>voice dial-plan 1 local NXX-XXXX <br>voice dial-plan 2 long-distance 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX <br>voice dial-plan 3 user1 XXXXXXXXXX <br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>voice codec-list VOICE<br> default <br> codec g711ulaw<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>voice trunk T01 type sip<br> match dnis "502-NXX-XXXX" substitute "1-502-NXX-XXXX"<br> match dnis "NXXNXXXXXX" substitute "NXXNXXXXXX"<br> sip-server primary x.x.x.x<br> sip-server secondary x.x.x.x<br> codec-list VOICE both<br>!<br>voice trunk T02 type isdn<br> resource-selection circular descending<br> connect isdn-group 1<br> rtp delay-mode adaptive<br> codec-list VOICE<br> prefer trunk-routing<br>!<br>!<br>voice grouped-trunk PRI<br> trunk T02<br> accept $ cost 0<br>!<br>!<br>voice grouped-trunk SIP<br> trunk T01<br> accept $ cost 0<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>! <br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>ip rtp symmetric-filter<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>line con 0<br> no login<br>!<br>line telnet 0 4<br> login<br> password password<br> shutdown<br>line ssh 0 4<br> login local-userlist<br> no shutdown<br>!<br>!<br>ntp source gigabit-ethernet 0/1<br>ntp server x.x.x.x<br>ntp server x.x.x.x<br>!<br>!<br>!</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div> <br></div><div><div><div dir="ltr" class="gmail-m_-6053106724057836049m_5563052435787714784gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">Thanks,</span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style="font-size:20pt;font-family:"Freestyle Script"">Austin John Williams</span></span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div>