[e-nsp] SLB Problem with Summit48i

Daniel Concepcion dani at danielcp.net
Tue May 18 14:51:47 EDT 2004

Hi people. 

We have the following network.

8 WWW Servers		- Summit48i - Internet
8 WWW2 Servers

We are using translation and port translation mode. There is a mixture of 
pools and Vips with this 16 servers.

Our problem is that when the apache close the connection (keepalive off), in 
the extreme appears as up. And we full the maximum numbers of free 
connections. But in the server side the connection appears as TIME_WAIT but 
the apache servers are idle and waiting new connections. 

We have probe keepalive on, and other translation mode as transparent, but we 
continue with the same issue. Also we download the timers in the extreme 
without any luck.

Someone know any issue with this extreme software and the connection close?
Or any idea about our issue? 

The servers are Redhat with Apache. 
And the Summit have 6.2.2b134 

Regards and thks for your help,


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