[e-nsp] Upgrade of Summit24e possible?

Roy-Magne Mo rmo at sunnmore.net
Thu Mar 30 16:40:01 EST 2006

to den 30.03.2006 klokka 22:26 (+0200) skreiv F J:
> Hi,
> I have a Summit24e running SW 6.2e and BootROM 1.3. Does anyone know if it 
> is possible to upgrade it på Extremeware 7.4?
> In the rel notes for SW 7.4 it says that it supports the "e-series" but 
> there is no installation procedure included in the rel notes... is it 
> possible to follow the instruction that describes how it's possible to 
> upgrade a Summit200?

No, the Summit 24e2 and 24e3 is a dead end. 

Extremware 7.4e runs on the 200/300/400-series. 

Roy-Magne Mo <rmo at sunnmore.net>

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