[e-nsp] Critical errors: Connection between MSM-B mother board Vol 41, Issue 3

Stéphane Grosjean Stephane.Grosjean at telindus.fr
Mon Jul 16 05:50:44 EDT 2007


There's a chance that MSM-B is "only" faulty. I also recommend you change it and don't forget to synchronize after the replacement.

An extended diag on the faulty MSM would be a good point, but it's always a bit risky to do it on a production environnement. However, it _should_ be okay...


>> Is there any good change that I can replace MSM-B with a new one
>> on-the-fly, without bringing system down. What's the solution? Must be
>> in this case something typed into switch configuration?
>Yes, there's a chance you can do that.  It should be as simple as removing
>the old one, inserting a new one then making sure it boots up properly and
>error free.
>You could also just reseat MSM-B, in my experience this has fixed more
>than a few problems.

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