[e-nsp] stpd issue between EW and XOS

Marcin Kuczera marcin at leon.pl
Tue Feb 23 11:01:52 EST 2010


today I had a loop between devices, when switching one link from Alpine 
do SummitX650.

All vlans are in stpd s0 domain, ports are stpd enabled but there was a 
loop that I have no idea what was the reason..

The only difference is in "auto-bind" i.e.:

Alpine3808-GZE:1 # show vlan koalicja
VLAN Interface[32-21f] with name "koalicja" created by user
      Tagging:   802.1Q Tag 401
      Priority:  802.1P Priority 7
      STPD:      s0(Enabled,Auto-bind)
      Protocol:  Match all unfiltered protocols.
      Loopback:  Disable
      RateShape: Disable
      Ports:     14.     (Number of active ports=10)

Slot-1 SummitStack-GZE.3 # show vlan "koalicja"
VLAN Interface with name koalicja created by user
         Admin State:    Enabled         Tagging:        802.1Q Tag 401
         Virtual router: VR-Default
         IPv6:           None
         STPD:           s0(Enabled)
         Protocol:       Match all unfiltered protocols
         Loopback:       Disabled
         NetLogin:       Disabled
         QosProfile:     None configured
         Egress Rate Limit Designated Port: None configured
         Flood Rate Limit QosProfile:       None configured
         Ports:   28.      (Number of active ports=16)

on x650 there is no auto-bind - what will that cause ?
How can I make all vlans in stpd s0 auto-bind mode ?

vlan default on x650 is in auto-bind mode...


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