[e-nsp] LACP on X460

Misak Khachatryan m.khachatryan at gnc.am
Fri Aug 29 03:54:43 EDT 2014


does anybody can help with this? I can't create sharing group, any help 
is appreciated:

Slot-1 Stack.2 # enable sharing 1:21 grouping 2:21
Error: Master Port (1:21) is not in the Load Sharing group of ports.
Configuration failed on backup MSM, command execution aborted!
Slot-1 Stack.2 # show licenses
Enabled License Level:
         Advanced Edge
Enabled Feature Packs:
Effective License Level:
         Advanced Edge
Slot-1 Stack.3 # show stacking
Stack Topology is a Ring
Active Topology is a Ring
Node MAC Address    Slot  Stack State  Role     Flags
------------------  ----  -----------  -------  ---
*00:04:96:8f:f9:ff  1     Active       Master   CA-
  00:04:96:8f:fd:be  2     Active       Backup   CA-
* - Indicates this node
Flags:  (C) Candidate for this active topology, (A) Active Node
         (O) node may be in Other active topology
Slot-1 Stack.4 # show switch

SysName:          Stack
SysContact:       support at extremenetworks.com, +1 888 257 3000
System MAC:       02:04:96:8F:F9:FF
System Type:      X460-24t (Stack)

SysHealth check:  Enabled (Normal)
Recovery Mode:    All
System Watchdog:  Enabled

Current Time:     Fri Aug 29 00:27:25 2014
Timezone:         [Auto DST Disabled] GMT Offset: 0 minutes, name is UTC.
Boot Time:        Fri May  9 01:48:28 2014
Boot Count:       2
Next Reboot:      None scheduled
System UpTime:    111 days 22 hours 38 minutes 57 seconds

Slot:             Slot-1 * Slot-2
                   ------------------------ ------------------------
Current State:    MASTER                       BACKUP (In Sync)

Image Selected:   primary primary
Image Booted:     primary primary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

Config Selected: primary.cfg
Config Booted:    Factory Default

primary.cfg       Created by ExtremeXOS version
                   256377 bytes saved on Thu Aug 28 23:27:58 2014
Slot-1 Stack.5 # enable sharing 1:21 grouping 2:25
Error: Master Port (1:21) is not in the Load Sharing group of ports.
Configuration failed on backup MSM, command execution aborted!
Slot-1 Stack.6 #

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